Kaval Released

Maybe he can get a job as a seasonal elf somewhere?

This surprises me somewhat, but it’s not like he had done anything at all with them. Season 2 of NXT was a pale comparison to Season 1 and Kaval has a fluke win over the IC Champion. This isn’t huge really, but it is kind of surprising.



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4 Responses

  1. Thomas Hall says:

    Low Ki was good but at the same time he wasn’t what he was made out to be. It’s not like he was lighting up the world every time he was in the ring. This isn’t a huge deal at all.

  2. WWTNA says:

    I like WWE but they are being wrong in this situation. I know Kaval wanted his release but with all the airtime (WWE Superstars+Smackdown) and with Kaval’s wrestling skills, you don’t have any plans for him? Thats B.S at its finest. WWE is trying to cover up the fact that they just don’t like pushing guys that were from TNA. Christian is paying the price for that.

    I can’t just get on WWE’s case either. Kaval should’ve never bitched about his situation on Twitter. I know it could be annoying being held back by creatives but he should’ve kept his mouth shut.

    Well, I hope to see Lo-KI on TV in the future. Best of luck World Warrior!

  3. Thomas Hall says:

    I wouldn’t say a bust, but he’s not someone that’s going to be missed.

    Season 2 was pretty weak as Kaval was probably the best choice. Not everyone is going to be as successful as Barrett or Bryan, which is the problem with the show and having so many people possibly get in there.

  4. Muffin Top Merkley says:

    I’m not broked hearted about it. I don’t know alot about him to get upset about this release.

    It is unfortunate however, that he really wasn’t really given a real chance to show the WWE what he had. They never really gave him a shot.

    He was decently over with the audience though no?

    Kaval, was a bust. Was there anyone else in NXT Season 2, that might have been able to succeed? (at least longer than Kaval?)

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