Bo Dallas To Be In Royal Rumble

He won the tournament today and gets the spot.  I can’t tell you how THRILLED I am by this.


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7 Responses

  1. ajrodz says:

    i know their is no chance in this happening but if you want bo to have a great debut have him come in at like number ten and stay until he dumps out number 29,and then have number 30 enter and they have a little match like sheamus and jericho did last year,he loses.

    if they want a face to win (john cena) have theme shake hands and cena gives him respect

    if they have a heel win (brock lesnar,ziggler etc.) make it like his dream is getting crushed

  2. Jay H. says:

    Oh ok,do you think he will stick around after tomorrow night or is this a one time thing for now?

  3. Jay says:

    Ive not seen Bo Dallas compete. Is he that bad?

  4. W.A.R. says:

    I really don’t understand of all people, they chose Bo Dallas. Were they feeling they were lacking generic face characters in the rumble?

    Now, I’m not a big Leo Kruger fan, preferring to see Luke Harper advance due to my love of all things Brodie Lee, but I’d have preferred to see Kruger advance of this…over Dallas.

  5. ajrodz says:

    i can’t tell if you serious,but i don’t think he was the right choice out of the choices i would’ve pick adrian neville,kruger,or xavier woods

    out of nxt all together though kassius ohno(who is alot better than you give him credit for,barrett and cody stole his finishers) or richie steamboat

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