Thought of the Day: It’s The Story, Not The Characters

The Divas are teaching me something.AJ vs. Kaitlyn started out as a feud I had zero interest in and that I usually rolled my eyes at.  Over time though, the story has won me over.  I still don’t care about Kaitlyn, but I care about how she’s been abused and made fun of and I want to see her destroy AJ because of it.  It’s the first story in the Divas division in months if not years and it’s working like a charm.  Think about it: how many times has the Divas Title match been set up by a one off #1 contenders match or a lame battle royal?  Now how many times has it been because of some personal issue?  Which do you care about more?


It’s the story that sells the feud.


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1 Response

  1. Killjoy says:

    Since Mickie James vs LayCool I believe. Which went to hell in a hurry.

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