Tagged: Maintenance

Upcoming Maintenance 3

Upcoming Maintenance

If you can see this, the site may be down for a few hours in the near future.  Apparently the site has been hacked and I’m having it cleaned soon to get rid of...

Potential Upcoming Maintenance 1

Potential Upcoming Maintenance

Got a message from my hosting company and they’re doing some work on the server that hosts my site.  There’s a chance that the site may be down for a short amount of time...

Site Maintenance On Wednesday 1

Site Maintenance On Wednesday

The hosting company sent me an e-mail saying the site will be down for about thirty minutes on Wednesday.  This shouldn’t be anything complicated and things should be back up soon.  If you try...

Upcoming Maintenance 2

Upcoming Maintenance

Apparently the company that hosts my site is going to be doing some maintenance on the servers Saturday night at midnight EST.  No word on the length of time the site will be down...