Top Ten Wrestlers Ever + Edge

I saw this in the comment section and thought I’d throw this out there for you guys.  The debate was over where Edge ranks as an all time great.  I figured this might get some people talking, so here are my (thrown together off the top of my head) top ten greatest ever.  Also I’ll throw in approximately where Edge would rank.

1. Hulk Hogan

2. Steve Austin

3. The Rock

4. Shawn Michaels

5. Ric Flair

6. Harley Race

7. Sting

8. Andre the Giant

9. John Cena

10. HHH

Edge I would put in the high teens, probably around 18-19.

Your lists?  And also that list is off the top of my head remember, so I’d likely change things on it that I had forgotten about later.