Summerslam Predictions

Well we only have five matches but here we go:First of all I’ll take Beth getting the title to get it out of the way.

Bryan vs. Barrett I’ll pick Bryan but not by much.  Should be a good match.

Sheamus vs. Henry could go either way.  I’ll flip a coin and go with Sheamus but with zero confidence in it.

Christian over Orton on a hunch.  The ending to the show seems as if Christian has a plan.  I could see a cash-in here but I’m not calling it.

I’ll take Cena to win this but it could go either way again.  I rarely predict shenanigans in a major sense (with TNA it’s not a prediction of if but rather who and when so I don’t count that) but I think HHH might be up to something here.

There will probably be the Usos vs. New Nexus since if you check, McGillicutty is officially Smackdown now.  Sounds like plans for a title change to me.

Your thoughts?