Horsemen to the Hall of Fame Also

I think I can live with this too.  Still no Savage though?  Really?  Wait…..Benoit is in the HOF now.  Interesting.



Thoughts on this?


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3 Responses

  1. Muffin Top Merkley says:

    I’m pretty sure that even though they weren’t specific, they only mentioned Flair, Anderson, Blanchard, Dillion & Windham so I’m assuming that THAT will be who is inducted.

  2. DiscipleofWrestling says:

    I was wondering about that. I didn’t know if they were inducting the whole lineage of the Four Horsemen or just the group that featured Windham, Blanchard, Anderson, and Flair. If this is the whole Four Horsemen, this could open up a bit of problems for the company. I hope they specify soon if it is just this incarnation of the Horsemen being inducted or the whole group because if people start speculating about Benoit possibly being in the Hall of Fame because of this, it could cause an uproar. And that’s the last thing the company needs right now with a WrestleMania on the way and a network.

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