Wrestlemania #20: What Do You Do With This Show?

This is a tricky situation.On one hand, it’s a GREAT show with a masterpiece of a main event.  On the other hand, it’s a show focusing on a man who was a crazy murderer who committed suicide.  So what do you do with this show if you’re WWE?


It’s Wrestlemania 20 and a show that you can’t just pretend didn’t happen.  The problem is that you can’t really talk about it because there’s a huge issue with it.  To me, this is the one Benoit show you kind of need to air.  At this point, Benoit wasn’t an evil man and was one of the top guys in the company if not the top guy.  I think it needs to be acknowledged, but there should be a disclaimer of some kind if it’s ever aired somewhere else.

