Thought Of The Day: Lesnar’s Loss
Clearly WWE blew all of their money on Brock by having him lose in his first match back. I mean, no one EVER wanted to see Brock after he lost his UFC debut right? In wrestling you can easily bounce back from a loss. It’s not the end of the world people. Calm down.
Wait a minute, you’re saying people think Lesnar losing was bad for him? Sorry, but I don’t pay much attention to the aftermath threads, but really? The dude murders Cena and Triple H but the loss makes that worthless?
Yeah that was the consensus: Lesnar’s value as a monster was wasted because of the initial loss. The picture on Meltzer’s site was a pile of money being burned.
Storm has a very good mind and he speaks the absolute truth here.
I agree with Lance Storm on this. I had no problem with Cena winning at Extreme Rules because it made sense for him to bounce back after losing arguably his Biggest Match ever to The Rock at Wrestlemania. I always enjoy hearing from Lance because he is probably the most rational Wrestler on the IWC.