Cena and Punk’s Segment Last Night.

Last night when I was writing the review I was thinking about Lawler and not really focused on the promo and I thought I’d talk about it a bit more here.I thought the promo was excellent and it really sold the story they’re telling.  The idea of Punk being delusional about his greatness and having the issue of respect going to his head and beyond is a classic but in Punk’s case his reign is starting to back it up.  Having Bret, one of the guys that Punk was so sure he was leaps and bounds ahead of take the champ down with a single punch was great as it woke Punk up and brought him somewhat back to reality.  You could see it in his eyes at the end of the night that he had gotten a wakeup call and that he could see the potential of what could happen to him on Sunday.


Also you have Cena who is his usual self and great in the big match promo.  People criticize him for being too perfect, but that’s the way his character is.  I really don’t get the idea of him being untouchable as he’s lost over and over throughout the last few years, including losing clean in the biggest match of his life.  I can kind of understand the idea of people not being happy that the loss just bounced off of him, but that’s how Cena works: he wants to be in WWE and do his thing no matter if he wins or loses.  He takes everything in stride and realizes that tomorrow is a new day and a new chance to win.  He’s very optimistic and he doesn’t dwell on hislosses.  That’s his character and I don’t get why people hate it so much.


Overall it’s a great promo and it makes me want to see their fight on Sunday even more.


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7 Responses

  1. Mike says:

    Of course the fans got on Punk’s case, he interrupted Bret in Canada. Doesn’t change the fact that he’s essentially just another generic heel.

    • Rocko says:

      Generic heels are literally just:
      Punk actually says why he is mad and why he doesn’t like other people (generic heels on the other hand go “I hate you” and really nothing else). What do you want Punk to do to get heat while he is in Canada? Attack Michaels?

  2. chris says:

    The reason Cena shrugging everything off is annoying, is because it contradicts what the WWE is. Cena spending the whole year saying ” I have to win this match” and ” This is do or die.”

    Then just shrugging his shoulders the next night after losing makes everything that built up to the match mean nothing. Cena has to show vulnerability and he just doesn’t.

    Don’t get me wrong Cena is a great promo and his wrestling can be great. The problem is it’s been drilled into our head that cena is the only one who matters. The WWE’s obsession with making him the only star is just irritating. would it kill them to let someone else have a turn as the top star?

    This forced heel turn for cm punk isn’t helping either as he still gets a babyface reaction in most places. The fact that punk has to try to beat up Bret Hart in Canada. To get the heel reaction they want. Should show that it’s not working people want to like punk.

    • Rocko says:

      I think people will start booing Punk again, I think Heyman will eventually help him get booed. Cena draws better than Punk, which is why Cena is number one and Punk isn’t. I’m sure the WWE would love to have a roster full of people with Cena’s drawing power, but so few people have the ability to even reach that level. Not even Orton reached Cena’s level.

      Cena has shown vulnerability, like when he wouldn’t say Punk is the best in the world to get a title shot.

    • Jay says:

      How is it forced? Pretty sure I heard the Montreal Fans getting on big time when he came out during Bret’s Opening Promo?

      Its been a slow Heel turn since RAW 1000 when he attacked The Rock. Bringing in Heyman will add to Punk’s turn as well.

  3. CCTV says:

    Cena’s promo was excellent & he clearly outplayed Punk. He once again proved what he can add to big matches & that’s the reason he is in the main event always..

  4. Jay says:

    Agreed,I thought Cena’s Promo was brilliant and all his points hit home big time.

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