Favorite PPV Posters
Simple question: what are your favorite PPV posters? Here are a few of mine:
Ok so the last one is a little different. Your picks?
Simple question: what are your favorite PPV posters? Here are a few of mine:
Ok so the last one is a little different. Your picks?
I never understood that Survivor Series poster. It’s the end of the Invasion and for some reason, Lita and Torrie are on the cover.
But my posters are the Triplemania XVIII ones
* http://www.lawagnermania.com/wp-content/uploads/28848_430201205711_169340220711_5454277_7755213_n.jpg
* http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/2/22/AAA-triplemania-18.jpg
* http://superluchas.files.wordpress.com/2010/05/28848_430197735711_169340220711_5454252_7922838_n.jpeg
Royal Rumble 2007: http://wrestling.insidepulse.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/royal-rumble-09.jpg
Judgment Day 2008: http://photos.imageevent.com/afap/sports/wrestling/wwesuperstarsrawecwsmackdown//WWE%20Judgment%20Day%20-%20Edge.jpg
Wrestlemania 17
Royal Rumble 1992
Wrestlemania 3
Wrestlemania 6
Just to name a few
Cyber Sunday 2007
Wrestlemania 17
Royal Rumble 2001
Backlash 2007
Backlash 2005- HHH
Cyber Sunday 2007 – Candice Michelle
Unforgiven 2008- Batista
Cyber Sunday 2008- CM Punk