Thought of the Day: It’s Too Easy Sometimes

I saw this in a column and it got me to thinking.Back in 2007, Cena injured his pectoral muscle and said he would be out at least past Wrestlemania.  Cut to MSG at the 2008 Royal Rumble.  #30 is on the way and it’s……John Cena.  The crowd LOSES IT and it’s one of the most genuine surprises in wrestling history.  This fooled marks, smarks and everyone in between.  What was the great solution to this?


Cena lied.  He had been posting on Twitter about how he was going to be gone for months and wanted to be in the Rumble…..and then he was.  Why isn’t this tactic used more often?  Why do so many stories and angles have to be based on what’s really going on?  Lie to us WWE.  You would be amazed how much stronger people will react when they’re genuinely surprised.


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4 Responses

  1. W.A.R. says:

    Cena? Lied?

    This obviously is a sign he needs to turn heel*. Faces don’t lie.


  2. Deanerandterry says:

    Its amazing how the suspension of disbelief can be achieved by lying. Agree completely and I would love it if WWE would try and pull the wool over my eyes more.

  3. MikeCheyne says:

    I mean they did do this with the Royal Rumble 2013 very well. Jericho lamenting that he couldn’t be there, leaked information declaring the return of Shelton Benjamin and Carlito instead of Goldust and the Godfather, etc. I agree with the above poster though who noted that it takes a ton of work/deception now to make it happen.

  4. Mike says:

    To pull it off in 2013 they would have to fly the surprises out on a private jet so they aren’t seen at a public airport where fans would be there with cameras ready. It spoils many surprises.

    The Cena thing made things worse in a way as now smarks ah like “Ah we know to check airports at the area of the Rumble” for example.

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