More on Zeb Colter’s Militia
1. Cesaro isn’t as broken as Swagger. Jack has built a reputation as being someone who can’t win anything of note other than a fluke world title a few years back. He chokes in every big match he’s been in for years and people don’t buy him as a threat. While Cesaro is a jobber to the stars, he hasn’t been in many huge matches, meaning he isn’t viewed as a choker yet.
2. Colter looks like an even bigger hypocrite. This idea that heels have to tell the truth or make sense all the time needs to die a very horrible death. Having Colter say random nonsense and then not live up to it while still saying it is EXACTLY how heels can get heat without being boring. Simply put, people will pay their money to see someone like that get what’s coming to them, thereby creating tension and a story that people want to see. It’s called booking a story, which is a lost art anymore. This should also shut up a lot of the fans that agree with his views in a double benefit.
3. Cesaro is better than Swagger. He just is, in ever aspect of the word.
Crap I thought I hit reply to that Chris person for KB. Well this is awkward now.
Tagging in with KB oh yeah,
What KB is trying to tell you is that when heels tell the truth they have a chance to be cheered which defeats the purpose of being a heel. In your scenario with John Cena you say people boo Cena so they’re missing the point he’s a face. This however is by far not the same scenario. The difference is with the Cesaro situation it’s a flaw in the creative make-up of the character. Cena doesn’t say anything that’s a lie, he says all the things a normal face should say and still gets booed. This is particular fans opting to boo John Cena himself and NOT his character make-up. Having Cesaro and Colter saying truths IS part of their character make-up and therefore would be a FLAW.
Well I don’t agree entirely with your logic. I do respect your opinion:)
I think one of the advantages in doing it is that it also helps lampshade away the point that Colter just spent months saying about how Alberto Del Rio was a bad guy…and now Del Rio is a bad guy again, making all sorts of anti US references. So sliding that plot away from going after foreigners (or at least making Zeb out to be more hypocritical) will help in that regard.
And even if he’s not an out and out racist it shows he will change his values the second it benefits him.
Heels are bad guys, they lie. Sometimes they are hypocrites and that works. They aren’t always honest and they sometimes fight dirty. They use foreign objects, they grab a handfull of tights. Not all heels have to do this but it helps. Like when the 4-Horsemen back in the day would say leading up to a big show and how they were going to beat the faces down. Then on said show they would get their asses kicked all over the building and regardless of whether they won or lost they would come out the next tv show and talk about how they did exactly what they said they were going to do, when in fact they did not. Now in that vein Colter builds more heat on himself when he has been professing his disdain for foreigners and his love for americans only to pick up a foreigner for his next client. This does a few things, immediately it makes him out to be a liar and it shows that it’s not really foreigners he doesn’t like but more that he’s a racist. Now they didn’t have to go that way with his character but they did and it makes for and interesting dynamic.
BudDakota says: Not all heels have to do this
Exactly. Can they do it? Sure, Will it help? At times. However they don’t all have to.
I just hate the idea that all heels have to fall into a certain mold. Just like all babyfaces have to be smiling baby kissing supermen. Some variety can be a good thing.
Zeb Colter is a heel who should do this. Faces make guarantees that have to come true, not heels.
Faces make guarantees that don’t come true. Hell most of time when the biggest heel Vince McMahon. GuaranDAMM teed something. It happened.
Probably the next Tag Champs after Shield. Cesaro is actually doing something of mild relevance now, so I’m all for it.
Heels can make as much sense as they want. So long as the story is compelling and it leads to a good match.
Yet when they make sense, people cheer them, missing the point of a heel entirely.
People boo Cena, does this mean people are missing the point of him being a face? So long as the story is compelling and it leads to a good match. It can work.
Can someone else get this one for me? I’ve done this too many times already.
You’re absolutely righr Kb. Colter was preachimg a belief set that at least half of the audience subscribed too. But what’s the one thing that subset hates more than liberals and immigrants? You guessed it, Europeans. They have found a way to get everyone to hate him. Add Wade Barrett to the mix, he definately has nothing else to do. Have Swagger come back as the American hero in his last shot. Colter could become the guy who loves America but now thinks we have gotten soft. Regardless, it could work.