Jesse Sorensen Released By TNA

The more I think about this the less I like it.  Yeah the guy is injured and will likely never wrestle again, but are you telling me there isn’t some job for him in the company?  You can’t even have the guy answer the phones?  Now obviously if he asked for his release or is being given a backstage job (which I believe he already had) that’s a different story, but the guy had his neck broken working for you all.  If you can afford Brooke Hogan and Garrett Bischoff, you can afford this guy.


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5 Responses

  1. Arnold says:

    If you actually did some research you would realize that Jesse was getting more money than a majority of the backstage crew.

    Second, he is back and is healthy. Jesse is even doing some bodybuilding again.

    So get try to inform yourself and get the proper facts.

  2. Thriller says:

    I believe it was a backstage job he was released from. His contract as a wrestler expired a while ago.

  3. M.R. says:

    What happened to him?

    • Thomas Hall says:

      Zema Ion did a moonsault press and his knee smacked Sorensen on the top of the head and broke his neck.

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