Thought of the Day: What Makes Edge So Special?
What makes Edge so special? Why does he get to win his last match at Wrestlemania? Let’s look at some others who had their last (or presumably their last) match at Wrestlemania:
Steve Austin at Wrestlemania 19 – Pinned by Rock
Rock at Wrestlemania 20 (last match for eight years) – On the losing team
Ric Flair at Wrestlemania 24 – Pinned by Shawn Michaels
Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania 26 – Pinned by Undertaker
What makes Edge so special that he gets to win? His career was over and he knew it, but they gave him the win anyway. Del Rio took months if not years to recover (arguably he never did) and it was all about Edge for the next several weeks.
Why does Edge get this special treatment?
They didn’t know how bad it was. I remember that much.
But you’re right, ADR never recovered.
Pretty sure he had pain before mania but not confirmed till after? Which is why, they didn’t know at the time of mania
He lucked out. As memory serves he said on an interview he’d be around for about another year or so. His rematch with ADR in a Ladder match at Extreme Rules was already being announced on TV before the news broke.
I thought it had more to do with saying thank you for all the years of hard work. Not to mention Del Rio is never going to get to the level they want him to.
I truly believe they thought Christian was an Edge incarnate and that although physical Edge was gone Chriatian would emulate Edge which I guess in a way he does.
Either that or they temporarily realized at the time that ADR sucks.
Perhaps they didn’t want the heels winning both World Title matches at Mania.