This is something I just don’t get, though I’m not complaining about it.I’ve been looking at my e-book sales (thank you all for buying any of them you have) and something is clear: the History of Starrcade is blowing everything else away in terms of popularity. Last month, when the prices were all equal, it sold more than the other three combined. Is it something about Starrcade or is it WCW or is it something else? Should I do more WCW shows?
Also in general what do you want me to cover in the future books?
I’ve bought all of them. Personally, I think it’s that there isn’t nearly as much WCW stuff compared to WWE, and people who are reading are wanting to know more about WCW. Maybe you could do a book about the rise and fall of the NWO. Not sure how you’d do it, but it would be a fantastic read.
I’ve bought all of them. Personally, I think it’s that there isn’t nearly as much WCW stuff compared to WWE, and people who are reading are wanting to know more about WCW. Maybe you could do a book about the rise and fall of the NWO. Not sure how you’d do it, but it would be a fantastic read.
I think in all honesty it was because personally I didn’t know a much about Starrcade as much as I knew the others.
And for the future I might reccomendic you can maybe a territorial book that be cool.