Thought of the Day: Wrestlemania XXXI Didn’t Mean Much

Think about it: what from that show still matters less than two months removed?

Other than Rollins and Cena winning their titles, almost nothing that happened there matters.

Bryan – Vacated his title

Kidd/Cesaro – Lost the titles they were defending

Sting – Hasn’t been mentioned

Lesnar – Appeared once

Undertaker – Hasn’t been mentioned

Wyatt – Basically no sold the loss

AJ/Paige – Both gone

Bellas – Now faces

Big Show – Nothing changed after winning the battle royal

Cena is still feuding with Rusev and Rollins is still feuding with Orton. Other than that, it’s almost like Wrestlemania just came and went.


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7 Responses

  1. M.R. says:

    The Sting loss is still strange

  2. Dmxfury says:

    Didn’t really think about it till now but man, no lasting impact. I’m curious to go back and judge the WMs on this criteria instead of the show itself…probably would change some rankings and ‘scores’

  3. Killjoy says:

    Its worse when you think of how successful it was in spite of the atrocious build. Basically telling WWE “we’ll even pay for a polished turd”. You can see the results now with all the “specials” they throw at random.

  4. Moudlylocks says:

    The sting one is my major issue.
    Sting tried to build the match not as wcw vs wwe, but as him having enough of the corrupt authority. He lost, the authority is still corrupt (albeit, less so now) and he’s just disappeared.

    • Thomas Hall says:

      Yeah that story was done the night of the Sting/Stephanie promo.

      Sting: “Of course this isn’t about WCW vs. WWE. That would be stupid.”

      Stephanie: *talks about WCW vs. WWE*

      These two are missing.

  5. Heyo says:

    Wait, did Paige quit too?

    And I’m not really surprised about the overall thesis you have here. It was rather shocking when I heard XXXI was good, given how the booking was like.

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