Pick the Survivor Series I Redo

The annual Survivor Series count-up will start this Sunday and like I did with Summerslam, I’ll be redoing Survivor Series 2014 as well as whichever one you pick.  Vote in the comments and I’ll redo which ever you want most.


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15 Responses

  1. jimmyglasso says:


  2. Comadre says:


  3. Sroxy says:

    Any which one except ’97! You have said enough about the screwjob already. That thing should be laid to rest for eternity now.

  4. sandy says:

    1996 please.it had austin vs hart

  5. KettleFace says:


  6. deanerandterry says:


  7. FingerBoy10 says:

    Yes, 1997 please.

  8. #MrScissorsKick says:


  9. Gunther_224 says:


  10. Becca says:


    A) Because we were talking about it like 2 days ago.

    B) Shawn.

    C) To give yourself a chance to redeem yourself with the ridiculous Shawn complaining you did in the Original. And the low rating of the Re-do.


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