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8 Responses

  1. Jay H (the real one) says:

    While i didn’t dislike last year I am looking forward to this year alot more than i was a year ago. I think one thing that hurt last year was the amount of injuries heading in and not many of the Matches had much build to them. The build to this year feels alot better and i think having the Brand Split again has helped.

    To be fair about Brock Lesnar (if he wins which im not totally sold on as ive heard WWE may want Goldberg to stick around) I have read he may be working more dates given his UFC days are done.

  2. Bloodbuzz Bunk says:

    Biggest difference this year is that they are healthy and have had some stars emerge enough to warrant one on one matches.

    The midcard title matches as you have pointed out have good to great builds and expect the same in match quality from the four guys involved.

    We have a healthy Seth Rollins, John Cena, and Randy Orton this year which means that we will actually get to see three of the biggest stars on the roster faceoff against two impressive resurgent semi-stars in Bray and MIz. Of those five Miz was in a ladder match last year as a throwaway midcard heel. HHH also won’t be bogged down in a horrible feud with Reigns. These are all optimistic signs.

    On to the negative the Lesnar vortex of diminishing returns seems to have somehow gotten worse than it was at WM32 when he tried to cripple Dean Ambrose’s career with his indifference( Ambrose has tried real hard since then but still hasn’t fully recovered). This Goldberg thing is gonna suck and the outcome will most certainly lead to more Reigns BS down the line but at least it will be quicker than that awful main event last year.

    Taker v Reigns is scary mostly because Taker looks like toast. They may have wasted his last good chance at a match on Shane last year which sucks. If this somehow turns into a Reigns heel turn than this could turn out well but that is unlikely. Logically considering Taker’s condition I can’t see this match lasting much longer than 18 minutes plus the pageantry so it would appear they turned last year’s two overly long messes into one sorta long mess so this is a wash IMO.

    Finally we get to AJ who to us fans takes a step down from a hot feud with Jericho last year to a mild/lackluster pairing with Shane. This is probably a huge step up for AJ in Vince’s mind which is cool I guess. Learning that this was a back up plan to a Shawn Michaels eases the sting a little bit. Also Shane is decent enough that AJ can drag a serviceable match out of him which should be better than Taker v Shane so also a wash.

    Agreed on the women and tag titles situations.

    So in the end as long as they aren’t crazy and hand out unlimited match time plus all the spectacle this has way more potential to be a WM31 type of several equally important matches given moderate time to showcase both talents in an one on one contest

  3. Dragon says:

    I think you are being a tad paranoid… might do the title a little good and make it feel special like a world title should be…..when it was on KO it seemed no different than a midcard title (not his fault)….the world champion does not need to be on tv every week….it should mean something when he shows up….and KB this is a great article as usual but I think you are being a little harsh on Shane McMahon…he will work his ass off to give the fans an entertaining match.

    • Liam Fenech says:

      I Wouldn’t mind if defending the world title every few months was the norm it’s just Brock Lesner has become so lazy spaming the same move over and over not to mention all his matches where he gets offence are squshes where he’s in no danger whatsoever. These are matches against Main event talent even Seth Rollins when he was world Champion Why should I get excited about that? Not to mention if you are a full timer you have to defend the title every month He may be Brock Lesner but he’s lazy as sin and he comes across as a horrible human being and that’s why I was so happy when Goldberg destoryed him at Survivor Series I’ve had all I can take of Brock Lesner I’m sorry. I hope everyone enjoys Wrestlemaina and it’s better then I think it’s going to be.

      • Greg says:

        Losing your main draw for a few months would not be smart. In today’s environment, you cannot have your champ disappear all the time.

  4. Liam Fenech says:

    Kb How can Lesner be gone after Wrestlemaina 33 when he is likly to be winning the Universal title from goldberg at that show? I’ve probably just answered my own question there as the stupid idiots that WWE are letting Lesner take time off as the champion and holding the title hostage just like 3 years ago because of that i’ve decided not to renew my WWE Network subscription untill Lesner loses the title Am I being paranoid about Lesner as Champion.

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