205 Live – March 20, 2018: They’ve Impressed Me

IMG Credit: WWE

205 Live
Date: March 20, 2018
Location: American Airlines Center, Dallas, Texas
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Nigel McGuinness

It’s time to find out who else is going to Wrestlemania tonight as Mustafa Ali and Drew Gulak meet in the second semifinal match of the Cruiserweight Title tournament. The winner gets to meed Cedric Alexander for the title in New Orleans, meaning the pressure should be high. Let’s get to it.

Here’s last week’s show in case you need a recap.

The opening recap looks at Alexander winning last week and previews tonight’s match.

Opening sequence.

Hideo Itami vs. Lince Dorado

Fallout from Itami being a little too aggressive against Dorado’s buddy Gran Metalik last week. Itami wastes no time in taking Dorado into the corner for some hard shots to the mask. Dorado sends him outside and that means Itami needs to slow down a bit. Back in and a hurricanrana into a dropkick has Itami in trouble and Dorado stays at it with a quick dive.

Itami sends him back first into the apron to take over again though and a hard slap makes things even worse. That’s enough to wake Dorado up and he scores with a spinwheel kick to the face. The handspring is telegraphed though and Itami takes him down with a clothesline for two instead. Dorado kicks him in the jaw and it’s out to the floor again. This time though, Gran Metalik shoves Itami into the apron and that’s a DQ at 6:15.

Rating: C. Perfectly fine while it lasted but this is setting up something down the line instead of being a blowoff or conclusion here. Itami is better as a heel and the last few weeks have been an improvement over his very lackluster run so far. They’re getting something here with the tag feud and a third man to help Itami and Tozawa would make things more interesting.

Video on Drew Gulak, who really does want to change things for the better around here. Drake Maverick called him a goof and that was enough to snap Gulak back to reality. He’s been hyper aggressive in the tournament and that makes him all the more dangerous.

Cedric Alexander says last week was great but it means nothing if he doesn’t win the Cruiserweight Championship. Very true and sound logic.

TJP doesn’t care if Cedric Alexander, Santa Claus or Kermit the Frog wins at Wrestlemania. He’s next in line for a title shot.

TJP vs. Kenneth Johnson

Johnson was in the Cruiserweight Classic. TJP takes him down twice in short order and there’s a jumping back elbow to the jaw. A belly to back suplex sets up the slingshot hilo as we’re firmly in squash territory here. Johnson gets in a running Cannonball to a standing TJP but the knee gets taken out in short order. The Detonation Kick into the kneebar makes Johnson tap at 2:41. Just a squash.

TJP takes his sweet time in letting go.

Mustafa Ali wants to use his status as a force for change. When you hear the name Mustafa Ali, the knee jerk reaction is to boo him but that’s not the case with someone like him.

Drake Maverick is ticked off over the DQ finish earlier. We’re almost to the end of the tournament and the new champion needs challengers. Therefore, next week it’s Tozawa vs. Kalisto vs. TJP vs. Buddy Murphy and the winner will get a Cruiserweight Title shot. Drake: “There you go. Just turned a positive into a negative. That’s what I do.”

Cruiserweight Title Tournament Semifinals: Drew Gulak vs. Mustafa Ali

The empty seats opposite the camera are horribly noticeable. Gulak’s wristlock doesn’t get him very far as Ali reverses into one of his own to take over. An exchange of shoulders goes nowhere as Nigel defines a bully. Drew grabs a flapjack followed by a chinlock for a bit, only to have Ali come back with a dropkick. A hard clothesline to the back of the head gives Gulak two and a spinning electric chair gets the same.

With the wrestling not working, Drew stomps away at the head as the aggression coming out for the first time. Ali slaps away and hits a great sounding spinwheel kick to the jaw. The rolling X-Factor gets two and Ali stomps him out to the floor, showing him some aggression of his own. It seems to get to Ali though and his moral conundrum allows Gulak to send him into the buckle. That screwed over Roddy Piper in 1992 and it did the same to Ali.

Drew can’t get the dragon sleeper so Ali slaps on a Koji Clutch of all things. With the hold broken, Drew bails to the floor, setting up a big flip dive with Ali landing on Drew’s shoulder in a crash. The 054 is broken up as Ali is sent to the floor, with his FACE landing on the apron. Thankfully without bleeding, Ali gets up and avoids a charge to send Gulak over the announcers’ table. A big dive drops Gulak again and it’s time to load up the announcers’ table.

Ali takes too much time though and gets backdropped off the table for a crash. Drew breaks the count though and sends Ali HARD into the post (one of the nastiest looking postings I’ve ever seen), followed by a toss into the timekeeper’s area. Of course that’s only good for a nine because the trope of diving back in before ten is strong in this company. Back in and Ali manages a tornado DDT to counter the dragon sleeper and the 054 sends Ali to Wrestlemania at 15:11.

Rating: B. The ending was a bit sudden here and Gulak’s aggression being gone took away a lot of the good things this match could do. That being said, they’ve got something with Ali going a step further each time to become champion as he loses a little bit more of what got him here in the first place. I really hope it’s not setting up a heel turn, but there’s a story there. Good match, but not as good as some of the tournament matches.

Post match Ali says WE are going to Wrestlemania (I hope I can find something to wear). It doesn’t matter what your name is, where you’re from or what color your skin is. All that matters is what’s in your heart.

Overall Rating: B+. They have something very, very special with this tournament final and I have no idea who wins the thing. That’s one of the hardest things to pull off in wrestling and they’ve done it to perfection here. The rest of the show was completely fine, but this was all about setting up the finals and they did it perfectly. I’m very impressed.

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