Ring of Honor TV – March 21, 2018: At The Right Time

IMG Credit: Ring of Honor Wrestling

Ring of Honor
Date: March 21, 2018
Location: Center Stage Theater, Atlanta, Georgia
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Colt Cabana

We’re still in the post-Anniversary Show season, meaning we won’t quite be seeing the fresh shows yet. That being said, there’s a formula to making these things work and Ring of Honor isn’t half bad at pulling it off. Hopefully that’s what they can do again this week so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of the Kingdom/So Cal Uncensored vs. the Bullet Club with the latter seemingly falling apart.

Opening sequence.

The Dawgs vs. Coast to Coast

Beer City Bruiser and Brian Milonas are on commentary. On the way to the ring, Rhett Titus talks about this being a St. Patrick’s Day special, which should help Atlanta in their search for the Pot of Gold. Titus: “ROLL TIDE!” LSG and Titus get things going with Rhett’s left hand popping him in the jaw. A powerslam gets no cover as Titus needs to yell a lot instead of following up.

Ferrara tags himself in and gets dropkicked for his efforts as Coast to Coast takes over. Blast Off (kind of a double reverse slam) gets two on Ferrara but Titus makes the save with a dropkick. We take a break and come back with Titus slingshotting Ferrara into a splash before adding one of his own for two. The time wasting continues as Titus throws Ferrara into LSG a few times but the third takes so long that it only hits a raised boot.

That’s still not enough for the tag as Ferrara cuts it off and Titus’ Doggy Splash gets two. A missed charge allows the hot tag to Ali and it’s time for some shots to the face. Ali backdrops Titus onto Ferrara and one heck of a spinning Rock Bottom plants Ferrara again. LSG comes back in with a spinning butterfly suplex, followed by a frog splash to give Ali the pin at 10:09.

Rating: C. Coast to Coast is starting to get somewhere and while I’m not wild on another frog splash finisher, that’s a better way to wrap things up than that double dropkick. It makes them look like they’re changing things up and that’s what they should be going for after such a long losing streak. Nice little match, even if the Dawgs are that annoying.

Post match Bruiser and Milonas lay out Coast to Coast.

Marty Scurll is ready to take the World Title from Dalton Castle at Supercard of Honor. I’m certainly interested in seeing it.

Castle smiles at the idea of Scurll getting a title shot. He can’t pronounce New Orleans but he’s better at big events than the Cajun accents. There’s no way Scurll is taking the title.

Women of Honor Title Tournament First Round: HZK vs. Mayu Iwatani

From Osaka, Japan at a Stardom show. It’s a test of strength to start until HZK rolls her up for two. They hit the mat for a quick sequence into a standoff as this is already looking better than most first round matches. HZK starts in on he arm while putting her boot on Mayu’s face but a leg sweep gets Mayu out of trouble. A running dropkick puts HZK on the floor and that means a dive (after some balancing issues) to take us to a break.

Back with HZK grabbing a loose Crossface and then rolling her around the ring over and over into a rollup (think a reverse Tumbleweed) for two. A Michinoku Driver plants Mayu and a frog splash seated senton gets the same. Mayu comes back with a German suplex and a top rope double stomp for two of her own. That’s enough for Mayu so she superkicks her twice, followed by a dragon suplex for the pin at 9:40.

Rating: C+. Nice match here and far better than most of the other tournament matches, but the same problem persists: who are these people and why should I care? Just saying “they’re from Japan” isn’t enough and while I’m sure there are interesting details about these people, I haven’t exactly heard them so far.

Bullet Club vs. So Cal Uncensored/Kingdom

Cody/Hangman Page/Marty Scurll/young Bucks

Christopher Daniels/Frankie Kazarian/Vinny Marseglia/TK O’Ryan/Matt Taven

Cody gets his own entrance with Bury the Bear and Brandi, despite what happened at the Anniversary Show (where the Bear was unmasked as Kenny Omega and kissing ensued). He throws out “Bullet Club Is Fine” shirts for everyone and after a huddle, it’s time for the superkicks to clean house early on. Page adds in a shooting star off the apron to O’Ryan and Cody dives onto everyone. Back in and the Kingdom/So Cal Uncensored clears the ring until we get down to Daniels vs. Cody.

The STO is countered into a Downward Spiral to put Cody down but Matt needs to question Cody’s “leader” pants. A superkick makes up for it and Scurll comes in to start on O’Ryan’s arm. Kazarian and Page come in for the big slugout (there’s a huge showdown match in there somewhere) with Hangman getting the better of it and scoring with a dropsault to take out Daniels at the same time.

Cody comes back in for the snap powerslam (ala his brother) but Daniels offers a trip so Kazarian can springboard in with a legdrop. This time it’s off to Marseglia to hammer away as Cody takes a heck of a beating. A spinebuster into a middle rope headbutt gets two and the Club is knocked off the apron.

Back from a break with Taven kneeing Cody in the face and getting two off a cocky cover. Not quite Jericho but he’s getting there. An RKO of all things gets Cody out of trouble (good to see that he listened to his old mentor) and it’s a double tag to bring in the Bucks. Eh to be fair they’re basically the same thing anyway. Cody tags himself back in and gets two off a Snapdragon (Kenny Omega signature move), annoying the Bucks by canceling their superkick party. I knew I always liked Cody.

A moonsault/legdrop/450 combination from the Bucks/Marty give Cody two and everything breaks down again. Kazarian charges into a quintuple superkick and everyone not named Cody does the Ultimate Warrior rope shake. Cody loads up the Rise of the Terminator pose and the Bucks aren’t wild on that.

They eventually go along with it to quiet the booing, followed by a triple suicide dive. Daniels moonsaults onto everyone but Page one ups them with a huge moonsault. Taven gets in a HUGE dive to take everyone out but THE BEAR does a dive of his own for another wipeout. Cue Scorpio Sky to dropkick Marseglia by mistake, setting up Cross Rhodes for the pin at 15:21.

Rating: B-. This advanced the storylines and that’s what matters the most. Supercard of Honor is in just over two weeks and it’s time to really crank up the tension for that show. Cody vs. Omega for the Bullet Club is going to be a big deal but it would be nice to not have to watch a ton of different shows to get the entire story.

Post match the Kingdom and So Cal Uncensored brawl to end the show.

Overall Rating: B. The wrestling worked well here and they adjusted a variety of stories as we get closer and closer to the pay per view. Having the TV tapings up to date would help a lot but this is as good as it gets in Ring of Honor. The Anniversary Show was great and hopefully they have a good followup in New Orleans. Good show here as things are starting to pick up at the right time.

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