205 Live – March 27, 2018: I Can’t Get Used To This Show Being Good

IMG Credit: WWE

205 Live
Date: March 27, 2018
Location: PPG Paints Arena, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Nigel McGuinness

There are two shows left to get through before Wrestlemania and that means we need to finish the build to the Cruiserweight Title match. As for tonight though, we have a four way match to find a new top contender. Drake Maverick didn’t officially call it a #1 contenders match but that seems to be the case. It’s almost like this show has a plan now and is actually follow through. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

The preview looks at tonight’s four way with comments from all four entrants. As usual, this is a great way to throw you into things and get you ready for the show. Why can’t WWE understand that?

Opening sequence.

Mark Andrews vs. Tony Nese

Nese throws him down and we hit the bicep pose. They hit the mat and Andrews tries a headstand to get out of a headscissors. For once though, Nese picks him up and drops him down like a piledriver while sitting down. That’s a new one and rather smart. Andrews’ neck is fine enough to armdrag Nese into an armbar but Nese nips up to avoid a clothesline. That always looks cool.

More armdrags have Nese in trouble (I mean, as much trouble as an armdrag can cause) but a hurricanrana sends him to the floor. Back in and the flip dive is cut off with an elbow and it’s Nese taking over for a change. We hit a bodyscissors to work on Andrews’ ribs and a running knee makes them even worse. Back up and a Rey Mysterio sitout bulldog plants Nese and a tornado DDT does it again for two. Andrews sends him outside and hits a moonsault to the floor in a good looking landing.

Nese goes back to the power with a hard running clothesline and a heck of a forearm. A double springboard Lionsault only hits mat though (Nese shouldn’t go with the flying) and they trade the hard/rapid fire shots to the face. A double stomp to the ribs rocks Nese again and Andrews is stunned at the kickout. Back up and Nese tries a slam but gets countered into the Stundog Millionaire. The shooting star press gives Andrews the pin at 11:14.

Rating: C+. Andrews certainly isn’t the biggest or best guy in the world to watch but I have a good time with his matches. There’s something about him that makes the matches all the more entertaining and the shooting star press works well for him. Nese isn’t much more than a low level heel but at least the physique makes him seem like a bigger deal. You have to have people like that on the roster, just for stuff like this if nothing else.

Post match Andrews tells Maverick that he wants Gulak. The match is made for next week.

Gulak wants to know why Andrews is on 205 Live. The win over Mark, and keeping the dragon sleeper on longer than he needed to, was a lesson. Drew is the best submission specialist in WWE. If you step to him, you will tap out.

Earlier today, Maverick oversaw a face to face interview between Cedric Alexander and Mustafa Ali. They agree that they’re friends and it’s an honor and a privilege to face off in their first Wrestlemania. Their friends and family will be there and Cedric can’t wait to be a real champion for his daughter.

Ali brings up Cedric’s failures in the title matches before but Cedric can never finish his story. He’s writing his own story too and his also ends with his daughter calling him a champion. Cedric is ready to stomp out Ali’s heart, which Ali says is exactly what he’ll have to do. They’re teasing both of them turning and that makes for an interesting match.

TJP vs. Kalisto vs. Buddy Murphy vs. Akira Tozawa

One fall to a finish and the winner probably gets a title shot at some point in the future. Kalisto takes Tozawa into the corner while the other two just watch. Tozawa gets sent outside for a falling flip splash and Buddy is tossed as well, leaving TJP to casually chill in the ring. Murphy comes back in and will have none of the headscissors into the dab. Back in and Kalisto breaks up Murphy’s dive but here’s Tozawa to kick him down for two.

TJP offers Buddy a handshake and turns on him almost just as fast. I mean, did you expect anything else? Just to show off, TJP puts Tozawa in an Indian Deathlock while putting Kalisto in an abdominal stretch at the same time. Kalisto fights out and chops TJP down, hurting Tozawa’s leg even more. The hold stays on while TJP gets two off a northern lights suplex to Kalisto.

Tozawa finally gets a breather and it’s Murphy coming back in for a neckbreaker on TJP. Buddy cleans house but TJP takes him down this time. Another convoluted spot sees TJP put Tozawa in a Gory Stretch and Kalisto in a Rocking Horse at the same time. That goes nowhere so it’s just a Texas Cloverleaf on Tozawa. Kalisto runs in for the save but gets taken down as well, putting all four down at once. This time it’s Tozawa coming in and cleaning house with a series of kicks.

We unleash the dives until Tozawa loads up the top rope backsplash. That’s broken up as well but Kalisto gets sent down to the mat in a crash. In a crazy spot, TJP puts Kalisto in a surfboard, Murphy covers TJP, and Tozawa comes off the top with the backsplash to crush Kalisto. I know it’s contrived but dang that looked cool. Tozawa’s Shining Wizard gets two on TJP with Kalisto breaking it up. TJP grabs a kneebar but Buddy makes the save and hits a big twisting dive onto Tozawa and Kalisto. Back in and Murphy’s Law ends TJP at 13:17.

Rating: B. This was a heck of a cruiserweight showcase match with Murphy looking especially strong. The announcers made sure to go out of their way to talk about Murphy beating three former Cruiserweight Champions. They’re treating this as a big deal and creating a new star in Murphy is a good idea.

Overall Rating: B-. The sitdown interview wasn’t the best stuff but it’s a good idea to create some tension between the two of them. The main event was much better with the four of them beating each other up with some crazy spots. As has been the case for about two months now, they’re doing exactly what they need to do and getting things accomplished. That’s more than 205 Live did for well over a year and now things are picking up. Well done all around and a good show.

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