Ring of Honor TV – November 7, 2018: Get Your Own Letters

IMG Credit: Ring of Honor

Ring of Honor
Date: November 7, 2018
Location: 2300 Arena, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman, Colt Cabana

We’re onto a fresh taping cycle tonight and, believe it or not, the big story here in Philadelphia is about an ECW wrestler as Bully Ray and Flip Gordon are sending in representatives (Ray has already announced Silas Young) for a match where the winner gets to pick whatever happens to the loser. Should we just pull up a Tommy Dreamer graphic already? Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of the Gordon vs. Ray challenge and the setup for tonight.

Opening sequence.

Here’s Ray with an envelope as we’re starting big. He explains the concept again, because airing that video in the arena was too complicated. Flip comes out as well and has his own envelope, labeled “Bully Ray’s Punishment.” I’m not sure I want to see what’s inside there. Colt Cabana gets off commentary and gets in the ring, much to Ray’s stunned displeasure. Ray: “You really are stupid Flip.” Colt says he’s here for two reasons: to support Flip and to be in the ring when he sees who Flip has chosen. And then this happens.

Silas Young vs. Sandman

Yes, because THE ECW TRIBUTES MUST CONTINUE!!! I get where they are and I get why they’re doing this, but do you really want to bring up this memory from ECW? The company that folded seventeen years ago? Meaning seventeen years after Sandman’s, ahem, athletic prime? Sandman canes him down for two as the fans chant for a company that is decidedly not Ring of Honor.

They head outside with Sandman in full control and grabbing a ladder. Coleman lists off some great ECW names and there are at least three of them who didn’t retire five years ago. Back in and Sandman gets sent into the ladder as we hear about Mikey Whipwreck and Joel Gertner. Silas gets in a few shots of his own and then grabs a table. Sandman puts the ladder on top of him and hits the Swanton onto the ladder onto Silas for two. That’s about it though as Misery finishes Sandman at 4:33.

Rating: D. Well it could have been worse. Again, I get what they’re going for here but egads this isn’t a good idea. It’s not like Sandman is an ROH legend. He’s a legend in the building they’re in at the moment. It’s bad enough that Ray is arguably the top heel in the promotion right now, but between this and Tommy Dreamer getting a spot at last year’s Final Battle, they need to cut out this ECW stuff. I’m sure the fans in the arena loved it, but there are a lot more fans on the other side of those cameras who are probably wondering why this is happening.

Post break, we see an edited version (with graphics and commentary saying it’s too violent to show in full) of Gordon’s punishment: ten Singapore cane shots to the back, because THEY DID THAT IN ECW TOO! Wrestlers eventually come out, including the Bullet Club with Cody making the actual save despite past issues with Gordon.

Everyone else gets out and Ray says this one is for Brandi. Gordon won’t give up and says F*** YOU to Ray because he has one more. Ray hits him low instead and everyone comes in to scare him off. It was an effective angle, though the ECW stuff really hurt it for me. Not worthy of using half the show, but it was good.

Karen Q./Britt Baker/Kelly Klein vs. Jenny Rose/Madison Rayne/Sumie Sakai

Mandy Leon is on commentary. Apparently Klein attacked Rose at the zoo in Japan. That’s not something you hear too often so at least they’re doing something. I mean, showing us that might be interesting but I’ll take what I can get. Sumie chops away at Baker to start but gets rolled into something like the Rings of Saturn.

That’s broken up just as fast and Sumie hits a running knee to the chest for two. The Sling Blade gets the same on Sakai and Baker runs the ropes, until Karen tags herself in (Coleman: “I wish she’d tag me like that.”). Jenny comes in for a headlock and it’s quickly off to Madison for a wristlock. A northern lights suplex gets two and we take a break.

Back with Sakai hitting a headscissors on Karen and bringing in Madison to dropkick Kelly. A crucifix driver hits Karen for no cover as she’s not legal (good referee) and it’s a ripcord cutter for two more. Rose and Kelly come in for the brawling but actually settle in with an abdominal stretch on Kelly. That’s broken up so Rose rolls Kelly up for the pin at 8:14.

Rating: D+. Another Women of Honor match with little story (though Rose vs. Klein was something) and no one really standing out. Pinning Klein is a big deal for Rose, but I still don’t know anything about her, though apparently she goes to Japanese zoos. The division just isn’t working and I’m not sure how they can fix it, though it’s not exactly getting better.

The Kingdom is ready for their six man tag next week.

Kenny King vs. Cody

Non-title, Jay Lethal is on commentary and Brandi has changed her outfit. Feeling out process to start with neither headlock going anywhere. Kenny’s wristlock works about the same and it’s time for some dancing. Cody tries a hammerlock instead and gets hiptossed down as it’s all King so far. The drop down right hand finally takes King down and a release gordbuster gets two.

Back up and King falls down but blames Brandi, who was nowhere near him. A Flatliner gets two on King and this time he accuses Brandi of a slap. King puts him down again and grabs a chinlock as we take a break. Back with a double clothesline taking both guys down for a breather.

Cody is up first with the Disaster kick for two and a superplex is good for the same. Kenny sends him outside for a dive and there’s a spinebuster for two of his own. With Cody down, King throws an elbow pad at Brandi, drawing her in to distract the ref. Cody gets up and King throws him the IWGP US Title before falling down, ala Eddie Guerrero. Another referee runs out to say not so fast so King shoves the referee for the DQ at 11:09.

Rating: D+. That ending was all kinds of messy and continues my streak of not liking something about King’s matches. Cody wasn’t doing any favors here either as he hit the Disaster kick and not much else. They were hyping up King getting a title shot this weekend so there was indeed a point to the thing, but it wasn’t working for me, as tends to be the case in their main event stuff.

Post match Kenny kicks Cody low and grabs Brandi but Lethal runs in for the save. Brandi leaves and Kenny belts Lethal down to end the show.

Overall Rating: D. This one was way off as the first half was spent on a single angle that featured Bully Ray, the Sandman, and an angle that felt more like a tribute to ECW than anything else. Then you had a women’s match that just showed how much the women all run together and a main event with an overbooked ending. I hope this was a one off bad show because this really missed bad.

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