Criticize Me

Normally I wait for the end of the year for this but for some reason I feel like I should do it now.

This is something I half dread, half look forward to, half need (like math lessons): an annual request for you all to critique me. Basically I’d like to know what I’m doing wrong and what I can do better or what you’d like to see me do more/less of.  All I ask is two things:

1. Be at least somewhat courteous with it. I can be receptive to constructive criticism but less so to ripping me apart, though if that was the case I doubt you’d be here in the first place.

2. Understand that there are some things I can’t/won’t be changing. There are some shows I have to cover for the sake of the hits they get/covering them for other sites. At the same time, there are some shows I’m just not going to cover full time but if it’s something I can fit in, it’s certainly not out of the question. Outside of shows, there might be stuff I do that you don’t like/stuff you’d like me to do more of. If either is the case, please let me know and I’ll see what I can do.


And now, with a gulp, go for it.