Thought Of The Day: Why Did He Do That?

It shouldn’t be this complicated.

Why does almost any heel action have to be some kind of an angle? If someone puts their feet on the ropes, grabs the trunks or does anything of that nature, it’s some angle that has to be advanced to next week or some big moment that has to be replayed half a dozen times, often just on that night alone.

Back in the day, heels did those kinds of things because they’re heels. Ric Flair was famous for throwing his fee ton the ropes for a pin even when he didn’t need them because that’s the kind of guy he was. Why did he do that? In the words of Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, “When are you going to get it through your head? I’M EVIL!” Let the villains be villains for the sake of being villains and stop making every action be some big moment.