205 Live – January 15, 2019: The One Goal And Bonus Features

IMG Credit: WWE
205 Live
Date: January 15, 2019
Location: Legacy Arena, Birmingham, Alabama
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Percy Watson
We’re back on Tuesdays because….I have no idea really. I guess the solution to the show’s problems was to have the LIVE part actually be correct, even if it makes way more sense to have this on Wednesdays and taped before Smackdown. Tonight we’re featuring an Open Challenge for a non-title match against Buddy Murphy. Let’s get to it.
Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.
Opening recap and preview.
Opening sequence.
Lio Rush vs. Lince Dorado
Dorado has Gran Metalik and Kalisto with him. Before the match, Rush welcomes us to Lio 5 Live and says he thinks Lince has some misconceptions about why we’re here. Rush is here to win and you can see that in Bobby Lashley, the new Intercontinental Champion. Two weeks from now, Rush was supposed to be the Cruiserweight Champion so now it’s time for Lince to feel the rush.
Lio isn’t happy about having the rest of the Lucha House Party out here so Dorado throws a shirt at him. A cheap shot from behind lets Lio take over before the bell, earning himself a spinwheel kick to the face. Dorado charges into some boots in the corner, followed by a slap to the face and trash talking from Rush. A tilt-a-whirl backbreaker puts Rush down but it’s way too early for the shooting star. Instead Dorado gets sent into the post with Rush following him to the floor with a bottom rope Asai moonsault.
Back in and Rush hits a sliding kick to the side of the head and it’s off to a chinlock with a bodyscissors. That’s broken up by a jawbreaker into a bulldog but Rush rolls over for a kick to the head. Dorado gets in a few shots of his own from the apron and a high crossbody puts Rush down. A rolling kick to the head sends Rush outside this time and there’s the suicide shove. Back in and Dorado’s moonsault gets two, followed by the Golden Rewind for two. Dorado misses a charge into the post though and the Final Hour gives Rush the pin at 10:35.
Rating: C+. Rush needed a win like this and the Final Hour always looks good. Now that he’s managing the Intercontinental Champion over on Raw, it makes a lot more sense to have him become a bigger deal on this show. Dorado continues to be a value asset around here as he can have a good match but doesn’t need to win much of anything because he’s over. Nice match here, with the right results.
Post match Rush goes after him again but Gran Metalik and Kalisto run in for the save. Dorado might be hurt.
Noam Dar doesn’t like Tony Nese acting like he’s better than everyone. Nese comes in to say Dar got lucky last week because he dominated the match. Dar: “But you lost.” The rubber match is set.
TJP is told that Buddy Murphy’s open challenge has been answered and walks out, though he never actually said that’s why he was there.
Kalisto says the Lucha House Party was created to spread lucha around the world so he’ll win the Cruiserweight Title to show how great it can be.
Brian Kendrick is teaching Akira Tozawa every dirty trick he can think of for the Rumble. Tozawa: “What he said.”
Ariya Daivari says Hideo Itami is hungry. A hungry man doesn’t see right or wrong, but rather food, like the Cruiserweight Championship.
Next week: the three of them are in a triple threat match.
Buddy Murphy vs. ???
Non-title and an open challenge. Before the match, Murphy says he’s the best cruiserweight of all time and, don’t what him, he’s not worried about his title match at the Rumble. Instead he’s worried about tonight’s open challenge. So who wants the shot? It’s….Humberto Carrillo from NXT taking the challenge and becoming a full time member of the roster. Carrillo has had some very good performances down in NXT so this should work well.
Murphy circles him to start and we get a bit of a sarcastic handshake. Some kicks in the corner set up an armbar to put Carrillo in some early trouble. Back up and they both miss some strikes with Murphy falling into the corner. Carrillo offers a handshake this time and Murphy doesn’t seem happy. Some armdrags set up a springboard armdrag to put Murphy on the floor. Carrillo moonsaults over him but Murphy grabs slams him head first onto the ramp to take over. Back in and we hit the chinlock with Percy actually offering some nice analysis about Murphy trying to keep the faster Carrillo grounded. When did Percy get smart?
Carrillo gets up and knocks Murphy to the floor again, though this time a suicide dive misses. Back in again and Murphy stomps him down in the corner before taking it to the apron. Carrillo manages a backdrop to put Murphy on the floor and there’s a springboard kick to the head. A high crossbody gives Carrillo two and he gets two off a missile dropkick to the back. Murphy punches away and heads up but has to block a pair of top rope superplex attempts.
Carrillo is staggered so it’s a Batista Bomb for two as Murphy can’t put him away. They fight over a suplex until Murphy slips over the back, only to jam his knee. That means a delay as another referee comes out to check on him with the fans not exactly being convinced. Of course Murphy is faking but Carrillo knocks him to the floor for a suicide dive over the announcers’ table. Back in and Carrillo springboards into a knee to the face, setting up Murphy’s Law for the pin at 15:27.
Rating: B-. For a main roster debut against a dominant champion, they did rather well here. This wasn’t as good as Carrillo has done down in NXT but he more than showed that he can hang with the big names. Murphy dominated a bit too much but he was selling very well for Carrillo by the end, which is exactly what they were going for.
Murphy leaves and Carrillo gets a quick moment alone in the ring to end the show.
Overall Rating: B. 205 Live has always had that weird issue where they only build to one major match at a time. In this case they’re doing well with it and therefore the show has been good as a result. We had two nice TV matches here and a new character introduced. It’s a very easy show to watch, though the post Smackdown aspect seems to have made the fans leave in droves again. That’s a shame, but you knew it was coming.
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