Wrestlemania Count-Up – Wrestlemania XIV (2013): That’s Pete Rose!

IMG Credit: WWE
Wrestlemania XIV
Date: March 29, 1998
Location: Boston Garden, Boston, Massachusetts
Attendance: 19,028
Commentators: Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler
Chris Warren of the DX Band sings an unnecessary rock/metal version of the Star Spangled Banner/America the Beautiful. Thankfully this is booed out of the building.
Tag Team Battle Royal
Los Boricuas (Vega/Perez), Los Boricuas (Estrada/Castillo), Truth Commission (Recon/Sniper), Bradshaw/Chainz, Nation of Domination (Brown/Henry), Nation of Domination (Faarooq/Mustafa), Legion of Doom 2000, Quebecers, Rock N Roll Express, Headbangers, Too Much, Disciples of Apocalypse, Steve Blackman/Flash Funk, Godwinns, New Midnight Express
The fans are completely behind the LOD as you would expect. Apparently the title match will be next month at Unforgiven. Things slow WAY down as Hawk runs over Henry Godwinn. The bikers (D.O.A.) are gone but they come back in to eliminate the Godwinns for fun. That leaves the returning L.O.D. against Bombastic Bob Holly and Bodacious Bart Gunn. Do I need to draw you a picture here?
Light Heavyweight Title: Taka Michinoku vs. Aguila
Back in and Michinoku misses a corkscrew dive but Aguila hits a moonsault for two. Taka fights up and hits a smack to the face to put Aguila on his knees. A splash hits knees though and Aguila puts Michinoku back on the top. Aguila hits a big old rana off the top for no cover, allowing Taka to come back with a knee in the chest. A missile dropkick puts Aguila down as does a powerbomb, but Taka misses a moonsault. Aguila dives into a dropkick though and the Michinoku Driver retains the title.
European Title: HHH vs. Owen Hart
Chyna decks Slaughter post match.
We recap Mero/Sable against Goldust/Luna. This was a weird feud as Mero had been a total jerk to Sable for months as he thought she was hogging the spotlight. Then Luna and Goldie went after her so for about a week, Mero was the gallant hero standing up for her honor.
The Artist Formerly Known As Goldust/Luna Vachon vs. Marc Mero/Sable
Mero pounds away on Goldust in the corner but gets clotheslined down to change control. A quick cross body gets two for Marc but Goldust hits an uppercut to put him right back down. The fans chant for Sable as the men collide. A double tag brings in the girls and Sable spears Luna down. She pounds away and kicks Luna in the corner before bealing her across the ring.
Jeff Jarrett brings out Gennifer Flowers to be at ring announcer for the next match.
Intercontinental Title: The Rock vs. Ken Shamrock
Tag Titles: New Age Outlaws vs. Cactus Jack/Chainsaw Charlie
Back in and Cactus goes up on top of the ladder along with Billy, onto to have Terry knocked into the ladder, sending both guys on top of it into the dumpster. Cactus climbs out as Terry is powerbombed into the dumpster.
Unforgiven is in Greensboro, North Carolina.
Undertaker vs. Kane
Post match Kane lays out Undertaker again, blasting him with a chair a few times. A tombstone on the chair leaves Taker out cold.
WWF World Title: Shawn Michaels vs. Steve Austin
We get the famous line from JR of “The Austin Era has begun!” as Austin gets the belt for the first time. He poses on the ropes in another famous visual before handing Tyson an Austin shirt. Shawn is ticked off at Tyson and gets in his face so Tyson lays him out with a right hand (JR: “TYSON! TYSON! TYSON! RIGHT HAND! DOWN GOES MICHAELS!”). Massive celebrating ends the show.
Ratings Comparison
Tag Team Battle Royal
Original: D-
Redo: D
Taka Michinoku vs. Aguila
Original: D+
Redo: B
HHH vs. Owen Hart
Original: B-
Redo: D+
Marc Mero/Sable vs. The Artist Formerly Known As Goldust/Luna Vachon
Original: C
Redo: C
The Rock vs. Ken Shamrock
Original: C+
Redo: C-
New Age Outlaws vs. Cactus Jack/Chainsaw Charlie
Original: C+
Redo: C
Kane vs. Undertaker
Original: D+
Redo: C-
Steve Austin vs. Shawn Michaels
Original: B+
Redo: B+
Overall Rating
Original: B+
Redo: B
I have no idea what I was thinking on the second and third matches.
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