NXT – April 10, 2019: I Think We All Needed A Break

IMG Credit: WWE
Date: April 10, 2019
Location: Barclays Center, New York City, New York
Commentators: Mauro Ranallo, Percy Watson, Nigel McGuinness
It’s time for the fallout show from Friday with a show taped prior to the show we’re recapping. Tonight we’re looking at a bunch of clips from Takeover: new York plus a trio of matches that took place before the show went on the air. These shows are usually very light and there’s no reason to believe that this should be any different. Let’s get to it.
Here are Friday’s results if you need a recap.
A long recap package of Takeover opens things up.
Opening sequence, now with a new theme song.
Aliyah vs. Candice LeRae
Vanessa Borne is in Aliyah’s corner. Aliyah takes her to the mat and gets in some forearms to the back but Candice is right back up with an armdrag. A knee in the corner slows Candice down and Aliyah demands that New York cheers for her. Vanessa offers a distraction and Aliyah gets in a kick to the face to take over. The chinlock doesn’t work for Aliyah as Candice takes her down and hits a step up backsplash. A neckbreaker into a Lionsault (with Candice possibly tweaking her knee) finishes Aliyah at 4:12.
Rating: D+. Standard Welcome To The Show match to kick off the evening and that’s fine. It was just an exchange of moves with Candice overcoming the odds and winning without breaking much of a sweat. That’s fine for this match though as Candice is such a likable person and character that it’s easy to see why she’s in a spot like this.
We look at Velveteen Dream vs. Matt Riddle with Dream retaining the title in a bit of an upset.
Dream talks about his win as Buddy Murphy walks by. Dream says that’s someone who couldn’t handle the spotlight at Wrestlemania. Murphy doesn’t like that so Dream asks where his title is.
Video on the War Raiders retaining the Tag Team Titles against Ricochet and Aleister Black in what was likely Ricochet and Black’s NXT farewell.
We look at Kushida signing with NXT.
Jaxson Ryker vs. Danny Burch
Steve Cutler, Wesley Blake and Oney Lorcan are at ringside. Burch takes him straight down for two and hammers away in the corner with right hands and clotheslines. Ryker pulls him off the middle rope and blasts Burch in the face with an elbow. A middle rope headbutt gets two but Burch is right back with a forearm. The other Sons offer a distraction so Lorcan takes care of them, leaving Burch to walk into the Widowmaker to give Ryker the pin at 3:10.
Rating: C-. They packed quite a bit in there and Ryker’s intensity is really starting to shine through. Having the Sons as a trio of wrestlers instead of a team with Ryker as a manager has some potential and with Ryker working as the monster, they could go somewhere. Lorcan and Burch are going to be fine no matter what they do because they’re good enough in the ring.
We look at the four way Women’s Title match at Takeover with Shayna Baszler retaining.
Baszler says she’s running out of competition and she’s keeping the title forever.
We look at Pete Dunne FINALLY losing the United Kingdom Title to Walter.
Pete says there will be a rematch.
We look back at Johnny Gargano vs. Adam Cole in a 2/3 falls match with Johnny overcoming the odds and becoming the NXT Champion after chasing the title for over a year. It’s still a very good match but they went just too far to make it perfect. Tommaso Ciampa coming out to endorse the win made up for a lot of it….I think.
The Undisputed Era isn’t happy with the loss with Roderick Strong and Adam Cole getting in an argument. Cole orders the camera shut off.
Street Profits vs. Fabian Aichner/Marcel Barthel
Aichner knocks Dawkins off the apron to start and drives Ford into the wrong corner. Ford is fine enough to dropkick both of them down at once but Barthel kicks him in the face. Barthel has to pull Ford back from a tag and it’s a spinebuster from Aichner to keep him in early trouble.
As you might have guessed, Ford crawls over for the tag a few seconds later and it’s Dawkins cleaning house. A spinning splash in the corner connects but a Doomsday Device is broken up. One heck of a moonsault gives Aichner two on Ford but Dawkins spears Aichner down to break up a powerbomb. The Doomsday Blockbuster finishes Barthel at 6:02.
Rating: C-. Much like the previous two, this wasn’t the kind of match that you need to see but for the live crowd, it was a nice way to warm things up a little bit more before they got to the important stuff. The Profits are entertaining and have a ton of charisma so having them go over the rather dull European team was the easy choice.
Overall Rating: D+. Completely skippable show as usual, but after everything we’ve gotten to see in recent days, it’s fine for them to take a little break like this. The wrestling wasn’t the point this time around as everything was about taking a breather and catching fans up in case they didn’t see Takeover (Though why wouldn’t you have?). We’ll get back to the important stuff next week and everything will be fine.
Candice LeRae b. Aliyah – Lionsault
Jaxson Ryker b. Danny Burch – Widowmaker
Street Profits b. Fabian Aichner/Marcel Barthel – Doomsday Blockbuster to Barthel
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“Though why wouldn’t you have?”
I’d be interesting in seeing the numbers for weekly versus TakeOver. I’d imagine they’re very close