Major League Wrestling Fusion – April 27, 2019: A Much Needed Break

IMG Credit: WWE
Fusion #55
Date: April 27, 2019
Location: Melrose Ballroom, New York City, New York
Commentators: Jim Cornette, Rich Bocchini
We’re still in New York and that means it’s time for Jim Cornette’s head to continue exploding. The main event this week isn’t your usual violent brawl, as this one is a different kind of brawl. In this case it’s a tables match between the Dynasty and the Hart Foundation, which has been a rather nice feud. Let’s get to it.
Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.
Richard Holliday and Alexander Hammerstone are leaving the building and find that the Hart Foundation have trashed their car again.
Opening sequence.
The National Openweight Title is coming. Seems to be a midcard title.
Jordan Oliver vs. Kotto Brazil
Oliver takes him into the corner to start so Kotto comes out with a dropkick. Cornette is too busy trying to figure out why Brazil losing an eye in a bar fight isn’t treated as a bigger deal as Kotto hits a dive to the floor. The charge only hits the post though and Oliver goes very evil by going after the good eye. A spinning kick to the face sets up a chinlock but Brazil pops up and hits a hurricanrana.
The Blockbuster into a frog splash gives Kotto two but here are Ricky Martinez and Salina de la Renta for a distraction. Oliver’s Stunner gets two so Brazil hits one of his own to send Jordan to the floor. That means a suicide dive and a second one makes it even worse for Jordan. Martinez breaks up the third so Kotto hits an even better one to take Martinez out. Back in and Jordan hits a springboard cutter (that looked good) for the upset pin at 6:32.
Rating: C-. There was a lot going on here and the ending works fine as Brazil lost thanks to a pair of interferences. The problem though is Jordan looks like he weighs about 110lbs and has arms that Adam Cole would find skinny. The match was the usual entertaining stuff from Kotto, but Jordan’s look was rather distracting throughout.
Avalanche Robert Dreissker is getting a World Title shot at some point in the future.
Avalanche is coming for the title.
The Dynasty has attacked Brian Pillman and Pillmanized his arm in the most poetic attack you can ask for.
Ace Austin vs. Rey Horus
They take their time to start as Cornette talks about how he is under the middleweight limit for the first time in forever. Austin’s headlock doesn’t get him very far so he poses instead, earning himself a dropkick into the corner. Horus starts speeding things up for a few near falls and Austin wants a handshake. Thankfully Horus is smart enough to turn that down but Austin kicks him in the ribs to take over.
A German suplex doesn’t work so Austin hits a belly to back slam and a kick to the head. They head outside with Austin firing off kicks to the chest, followed by knees to the ribs back inside. Since a luchador is involved, Austin has to go after the mask (it’s a requirement) and for once it actually comes off. Horus knocks him off the top though and gets the mask back on but Austin stays on him in the corner.
We get an inset update saying that Pillman is likely out of the main event (Quick, to the point, doesn’t distract from the match that much. Well done.) and come back with Horus hitting a slingshot corkscrew dive to take over. Austin gets posted and kicked in the face as the announcers talk about what it means to lose your mask. The Spanish Fly gives Horus two but Austin kicks him in the face. A double underhook driver gets two but Horus runs the ropes and grabs a super victory roll for the pin at 14:12.
Rating: B. I liked this one a lot but I like both guys so it’s not shocking. Austin looked better here than he has since he started debuting on national shows so he’s definitely moving in the right direction. He was hanging in there with one of the best high fliers around today and the match was a blast. Easily one of the better matches from MLW in quite some time.
We look back at the ending of the first match.
Next week: Salina is in charge.
Salina is ranting on the phone and comes up to Low Ki, who wants to talk about the National Title tournament. She leaves and Low Ki isn’t happy.
Tom Lawlor is ready for Avalanche and hasn’t forgotten about Contra. It’s a great idea to have these promos from the champ every week. Lawlor needs the practice on the mic and the champ should get some kind of attention, even if it’s just forty five seconds, every week. His delivery is getting a little better too.
Hart Foundation vs. Dynasty
Tables match with the Harts coming in at a 3-2 disadvantage. We get through the dueling fan chants before the opening bell to eat up some of the remaining time. Jim: “Rich do you have any naked pictures of your wife?” Rich: “No.” Jim: “Would you like one?” The bell finally rings and Hart jumps MJF from behind, followed by Smith superkicking Holiday. The Harts clear the ring and the fight heads outside with Hart hitting the awesome top rope moonsault.
Hammerstone gets suplexed on the floor and Holiday takes one of his own. Smith takes Holiday inside for some uppercuts and the lifting DDT makes it even worse. MJF and Hammerstone come back in and take the hanging DDT/piledriver combination as the Harts continue to dominate.
A superpowerslam hits MJF and Hart adds the moonsault. Not to be outdone (though he was outdone), Smith adds a top rope headbutt, followed by Hart’s second moonsault for a cover, which Hart thankfully lets go in less than a second. The Dynasty is back in and knocks Smith outside, leaving Hart to take a spike Tombstone. Smith gets back up and grabs a delayed vertical suplex on MJF, at the same time Hammerstone does one to Hart, meaning it’s a suplex off.
Holiday comes back in and the numbers game takes over again. Hart is down on the floor and has to ram his shoulder into the barricade to pop it back into joint. The Dynasty loads up a table but here’s Pillman to even things up a little more, albeit with one good arm. As assisted Canadian Destroyer plants Hammerstone but instead of throwing him through a table, it’s a Doomsday Destroyer to MJF. Holiday uses the delay to come in with a double low blow, allowing Hammerstone to hit the running powerbomb to put Pillman through the table for the win at 11:37.
Rating: C+. The 3-2 stuff was fine and it keeps the Harts looking strong while giving the Dynasty their first big win. This feud has some legs though and the hoss fight between Smith and Hammerstone will be more than enough to keep me entertained. What we got was fun and mainly wrestling instead of brawling, which is long overdue in the main event.
Salina makes Gringo Loco vs. Hijo de LA Park, Daga (“Dumbo”) vs. Low Ki and Pentagon Jr. vs. LA Park for next week.
Overall Rating: B-. Now this was more like it, with a nice mixture of different styles and mostly good action. Throw in a healthy dose of Salina and this was a heck of a show, with a much needed break from the brawling style main event. The stories are getting to grow a little bit and things are becoming more and more entertaining. Check out that Horus vs. Austin match if you get the chance.
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Hey yo; You needs to get off your lazy ass and start churning out those reports, brah!!
Yeah…..I’ll get right on that.