Monday Night Raw – January 16, 1995: They Love Their Guest Stars

IMG Credit: WWE

Monday Night Raw
Date: January 16, 1995
Location: Summit, Houston, Texas
Attendance: 3,500
Commentators: Vince McMahon, Shawn Michaels

We continue the build towards the Royal Rumble though you would barely know it based on the TV shows lately. The main focus here has been on Bret Hart, who is getting a WWF Title shot at the pay per view but he’s been busy dealing with Jeff Jarrett and Jerry Lawler instead of going after Diesel. It’s the go home show tonight and I don’t see this going well for the Rumble build. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Vince narrates a Star Trek style opening video about Hart vs. Jarrett with William Shatner in Bret’s corner.

Opening sequence.

Heavenly Bodies vs. 1-2-3 Kid/Bob Holly

This is a rematch from the Tag Team Title tournament semifinals where the Bodies lost. The Bodies jump them before the bell with the Kid being sent outside and Holly getting kicked in the ribs. Del Ray clotheslines Holly for two and we hit the choking. Prichard comes in and gets legdropped onto Holly for two as the announcers talk about the Super Bowl points spread.

The gutwrench powerbomb gives Prichard two more and it’s back to Del Ray for a high crossbody. Holly rolls through for two and here are Tatanka and Bam Bam Bigelow, who get Holly and Kid for the titles on Sunday. A double clothesline is broken up as Holly dives onto the two arms to pull the Bodies together (I’m still not sure if that makes sense or not) and it’s off to the Kid. Everything breaks down and Kid gets caught in a double suplex, only to have Holly make the save with a spear. Kid rolls Del Ray up for the pin.

Rating: D+. Totally basic formula here and there’s nothing wrong with opening a show like that. The Kid and Holly are still not a great team but they’re exciting enough to give a chance, even if it doesn’t last long. It’s not like the tag division has any depth at the moment so see what two fun guys like that can do.

Bret Hart and William Shatner are ready for tonight. Hart insists he has no ring rust and Shatner dubs Roadie as Road Dogg.

Mantaur vs, Jason Ahrndt

Jim Cornette is managing Mantaur, which is a rib on him for reasons of the company having a bad sense of humor. Mantaur runs Jason over to start and slowly stomps away as Shawn says his Rumble number doesn’t matter. Another charge takes Jason down and a splash finishes in a hurry. Mantaur’s theme music is literally a moose’s call. Can you blame Cornette for hating this stuff?

Royal Rumble Report. You should order the show because Pamela Anderson is going to be there. Something about wrestling too. There’s nothing to this card aside from a Bret vs. Diesel match we’ve seen before and they know it. Case in point: Undertaker and Paul Bearer talk about being ready for IRS.

Jeff Jarrett says he’ll win the Intercontinental Title and take care of Bret Hart tonight.

Jeff Jarrett vs. Bret Hart

Roadie and William Shatner are here. Vince brings up a good point: why would either of these two take a match before they’re challenging for titles on Sunday? Bret gives his glasses to a young fan at ringside and the kid smiles so much that even I have to smile. I know wrestling gets a lot of flack at times, but kids smiling at wrestling is one of my favorite things.

Feeling out process to start and Bret gets a bit heelish by raking the eyes across the rope. An atomic drop and running clothesline take Jarrett down and the armbar goes on. Jeff can’t even slam or armdrag his way out of the armbar as Bret is rather tenacious with the thing. Back up and Bret grabs a sleeper, which is broken up a bit more easily. A swinging neckbreaker takes us to a break and we come back with Bret sunset flipping him for two.

Shatner is playing cheerleader and does at least seem happy to be there. That’s more than most celebrities can say. Jarrett’s middle rope ax handle hits Bret but some right hands start the comeback. The Russian legsweep gives Bret two and we’re firmly in the Five Moves Of Doom.

Jeff blocks the Sharpshooter with a rake to the eyes so Bret ties him into the ropes for a change of pace. Roadie makes the save though, allowing Jeff to slap on the Figure Four. The rope is grabbed, albeit with Shatner shoving the rope towards Bret for a little help. Back up and Jeff tries an O’Connor Roll but Bret uses the tights to reverse into one of his own for the pin (without tights).

Rating: C+. Of course the match was fine and Bret was feeling it well enough with the slightly heelish tendencies, though I’m not sure how smart it was to have Jeff take the pin six days before he’s going to challenge for the Intercontinental Title. He lost to a big name, but that isn’t exactly making things that much better. There was no one else to have take the spot in the mini feud with Bret? The bad thing? There really isn’t.

Post match Shatner knocks Roadie down and avoids a dive off the top by just stepping to the side. He even sends Roadie into the buckle a few times and then over the top.

We recap the Tag Team Title tournament before Sunday’s fine.

It’s time for the King’s Court with the Million Dollar Corporation as the guests. DiBiase is ready for the team to have a great night on Sunday when Bam Bam Bigelow and Tatanka win the Tag Team Titles, IRS gets rid of Undertaker and King Kong Bundy wins the Royal Rumble. Then the next night, Bigelow and Tatanka can beat the Smoking Gunns to really show how great they are. Somehow, this takes the better part of five minutes.

Mabel vs. Lee Tobin

Tobin’s headlock works as much as you would imagine it would on a 6’10 560lb guy in purple and gold. A suplex puts him down as the announcers talk about OJ Simpson and the Rumble. Mabel’s jumping enziguri connects but Tobin manages to shoulder him into the corner. That’s about it for him though as Mabel runs him over and hits the legdrop for the pin.

Post break Mabel says he’s going to win the Rumble but Shawn disagrees. So does King Kong Bundy, who wants to fight right now.

Royal Rumble ad, again focusing on Pamela Anderson more than the wrestling. In this case, I get the idea.

Back with no Bundy on Mabel violence but the announcers preview the Rumble.

A video on Diesel ends the show.

Overall Rating: D. The Jarrett vs. Hart match was pretty good but this was a dreadful go home show for the Rumble. It felt like they were trying to cram in whatever they could into the last segment and that’s not a good sign less than a week before one of the biggest shows of the year. Pretty awful show here but the middle match was perfectly fine.

I’ve already done the January 23 show, which you can find right here:


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