Pro Wrestling Crate Wrestling’s Greatest Tag Team DVD

I’ve gotten into the loot crate style stuff as of late and started doing the Cheap Heat version of Pro Wrestling Crate (doesn’t include a shirt, which is fine as I don’t wear wrestling shirts). This month’s theme was tag teams and it came with a DVD, which is always worth a look.

The DVD was Pro Wrestling’s Greatest Tag Teams and it seems to be an original DVD for the crate (AEW is mentioned so it’s certainly not a reissue). It’s a pretty standard format: an hour(ish) long countdown of the ten best teams of all time, though your rankings may be a bit off. In something that shouldn’t surprise you, it seems to be a lot more “here are the ten teams we have footage of/footage of people talking about them”.

The Lucha Bros and the Young Bucks made the list, which should tell you a bit about where this is going. On the other hand, a few teams missing include the Hart Foundation, the British Bulldogs, Edge and Christian and Nick Bockwinkel and Ray Stevens. In other words, it’s a VERY odd selection of teams included, though some of them aren’t exactly shocking. Granted considering that the back of the case lists the top ten (plus some honorable mentions) in order, it isn’t much of a surprise at all.

Overall, for an hour long DVD, it’s fine for a one off watch but don’t expect anything new or mind blowing. The whole set included the DVD, a Revival pin and a signed photo of the Rock N Roll Express, which isn’t bad at all for about $10. I’ll be continuing these as they come out monthly as it’s always nice to get out of the WWE bubble for a little bit.