Ring of Honor TV – October 30, 2019: They Can’t Be Long For The Wrestling World

IMG Credit: Ring of Honor Wrestling

Ring of Honor
Date: October 30, 2019
Location: Sam’s Town Hotel & Gaming Hall, Las Vegas, Nevada
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Colt Cabana, Caprice Coleman
Hosts: Ian Riccaboni, Quinn McCay

Yes we are still somehow in Las Vegas for Death Before Dishonor fallout, even though the show was a month ago and we have already had the UK shows. Then again it isn’t like it matters because this company is flailing like few I’ve ever seen. I’m not sure what to expect, but it isn’t likely to be great television. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

We look at the Allure cheating so Angelina Love could take the Women of Honor Title.

Jeff Cobb/Kenny King/Brian Johnson/Josh Woods vs. Silas Young/Cheeseburger/Rhett Titus/Joe Hendry

Random draw tag match with King driving Cheeseburger into the corner to start. The announcers make McDonalds jokes as King grabs a wristlock and shrugs off a headlock. Some running of the ropes sets up a shoulder to drop King, with Cabana saying that’s no plant based burger. Titus comes in because ROH thinks we care about an All Night Express feud. Johnson tags himself in to shout at Titus but Woods tags himself in before anything can happen.

Woods takes Titus down with no trouble but Titus survives a series of standing switches and gets over to Young. Silas shouts about being the mentor before trying to take Woods to the mat, which works as well as you would expect. Woods takes over without much trouble and we take a break. Back with Titus slamming Cheeseburger onto Johnson for two and Titus gets the same off a splash.

Not that it matters as Woods gets back up and makes the tag to Cobb so full sized humans, plus Cheeseburger, can get tossed around with ease. Cobb muscles Titus up into a Falcon Arrow and gets two off a standing moonsault. Now King is willing to fight of course and hammers away, even after yelling at Johnson. Speaking of Johnson, he comes in and grabs the cravate, only to have Titus fight up with a clothesline. Johnson refuses to tag though because he doesn’t need anyone, meaning it’s off to Cheeseburger to start the comeback.

Everything breaks down and it’s the parade of secondary finishers to put everyone but Cobb down. Cobb and Hendry stare each other down in a moment that isn’t as special as commentary thinks it is. They both throw two opponents at the same time before a double clothesline gives us another group knockdown. Cobb and Hendry collide on the floor again so Cheeseburger starts cleaning house with the palm strikes. Woods and Young grab a suplex apiece until Woods rolls him up for the pin at 17:52.

Rating: D+. Just a longer tag match here and not all that interesting, mainly due to the talent involved. There aren’t a lot of interesting people in Ring of Honor and Cobb is stuck in the middle of this mess, which got way more time than it needed. It was more boring than bad, and in this case that’s a lot worse.

Shane Taylor says he has always been this good and this confident but everyone gets paid more than him.

Video on the Bouncers vs. the Kingdom in a bar room brawl.

The Bouncers were pleased with their win.

Bouncers vs. Chris Bey/Slice Boogie

Boogie shoves Bruiser and gets chopped against the ropes for his efforts. Milonas comes in for a side slam so it’s off to Bey, who gets punched and non-bitten. A cheap shot lets Bey take over on Bruiser and a standing moonsault gets two. That’s it for the offense as it’s off to Milonas for the splashes in the corner. Closing Time is good for the pin on Boogie at 4:45.

Rating: D+. Just a squash here with the Bouncers continuing to be a surprisingly decent tag team. They’ve found their niche as the crowd favorites with no chance of ever going anywhere of note and that’s a good little spot for them. They can have a one off title shot here and there and maybe even win the titles at some point, but if this is their ceiling, that’s not a bad thing.

Titus tells his partners that the loss wasn’t all bad but mocks Young for getting pinned by Woods. Young blames the rest of them for the loss. Hendry offers autographs but Silas walks away. Cheeseburger: “I’ll take one.”

Jonathan Gresham and Jay Lethal talk about how they’ve nearly injured each other (Lethal: “You nearly broke my arm.”) but what matters is they’ve worked out their differences. Maybe Lethal needs to start accepting his partner’s views. The tag division needs them.

We look at the finals of the Top Prospect Tournament with Dak Draper pinning Austin Gunn to earn a TV Title shot.

Draper won because he worked harder than anyone. He’s smart and strong, because his mind is his general and his body is the army.

Video on Rush.

The hosts run down the upcoming big events, which will be tough on the World Champions.

Brian Zane runs down the five toughest World Champions of all time with Nigel McGuinness on top of the list. Dalton Castle comes in and complains about not being on the list when he defended the title for six months with a broken back. The top five should have been Dalton Castle, Dalton Castle, Dalton Castle, that Dalton Castle fellow and Dalton Castle.

Women of Honor: Sumie Sakai vs. Jenny Rose vs. Angelina Love

Love is defending and has Mandy Leon with her. After the Big Match Intros, it’s Love getting double teamed to start, including a double clothesline to put her on the floor. Rose is smart enough to go straight after Sakai with a side slam getting two. Love pulls Sakai to the floor and runs Rose over back inside. That’s fine with Sumie, who pulls Love to the floor for a forearm to the face.

Back from a break with Rose holding Sakai in a half crab but Love breaks it up with a Koji Clutch. That stays on for a good while until Sakai finally makes the ropes so Love hits a Thesz press off the apron to drop Rose. Sakai is back up with a fisherman’s buster for two on Love as Rose comes back in to send both of them into the corner. Rose’s spear gets two on Sakai and a Rock Bottom gets the same, only to have Love hit the Botox Injection. Sakai makes the save this time so Mandy gets up on the apron for a distraction. Now the Botox Injection can hit Sakai to retain the title at 8:19.

Rating: C-. It’s the same problems as ever: not very interesting wrestlers, action that isn’t great, and another version of the two in/one out triple threat formula that has been done for years. On top of that, the fact that Love lost the title over two weeks before this aired shows you how far behind the company is, which is still a problem even though they handpick the matches they show now.

We don’t even get a sign off to end the show.

Overall Rating: D. This show took me a few days to get through as it just wasn’t all that interesting. It was boring, the wrestlers don’t get or keep my attention and there was nothing going on that I care about. What is there to care about here that I should want to see from week to week? Rush is World Champion and has no one of note to challenge him until Ring of Honor and everything else is some combination of dull and not very good, with the shows being weeks, and approaching a month, behind. Really weak show and I don’t see it getting any better.

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