Main Event – November 14, 2019: The British Special

IMG Credit: WWE
Main Event
Date: November 14, 2019
Location: Manchester Evening News Arena, Manchester, England
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Mickie James
We’re still in England and that has not been the most thrilling thing so far. All of the energy that the shows had due to the NXT invasion is long gone and I don’t see that making for the best Main Event. You never know what you might get around here but if the best they can do is Mojo Rawley wrestling with a British accent, I don’t have the highest hopes. Let’s get to it.
Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.
And….it’s a studio recap show due to Raw being taped on the same night as Smackdown. I’m thinking that might be an improvement.
From Raw.
Here’s Seth Rollins to talk about Survivor Series and we recap the invasion so far. Rollins likes the energy and talks about how he didn’t know what was next after losing the Universal Title. Last week HHH told him that he should go back to his roots but Raw is his home. Rollins lost his title but that doesn’t mean he is no longer the best in the world. Therefore, anyone in the back can come face him right now. Cue Imperium, with Walter introducing himself and saying Rollins is defiling sacred ground. Just because he’s in the UK doesn’t mean he can avoid an NXT invasion so let’s do this right now.
Seth Rollins vs. Walter
Non-title. Walter throws him around to start so Rollins tries some chops, only to get caught in the release German suplex. We hit the chinlock and then a half crab as Rollins can’t do much against the size and power. Rollins fights back up and even gets to tease the Stomp, which draws in the rest of Imperium for the DQ at 4:49.
Rating: C. This didn’t have time to go anywhere but dang it’s cool to see Walter on the main show. I know his look may not be traditional but sweet goodness the guy commands respect in the ring. He can do a little bit of everything and that power is impossible to ignore. More of him please, as long as he doesn’t become a regular.
Post match the beatdown is on so it’s the Street Profits and Kevin Owens running in for the save.
Imperium vs. Kevin Owens/Street Profits/Seth Rollins
Rollins gets sent outside early on and we get the big staredown with Imperium. Walter drops Rollins back first onto the apron and the beating begins. The chinlock doesn’t last long and Wolfe gets two off a bridging German suplex. Aichner drives Rollins into the corner and it’s Walter coming in for some forearms to the chest. A dropkick into a powerbomb plants Rollins and everything breaks down for a bit as Owens makes the save.
Owens and the Profits get kicked to the floor so Walter goes up, only to get superplexed right back down. The hot tag brings in Owens to take over and a Swanton gets two on Aichner. Everything breaks down again and Ford hits a huge flip dive, which lands on the announcers’ table for a scary landing. Back in and Rollins Stomps Wolfe for the pin at 6:40.
Rating: C+. Imperium is an idea that isn’t very complicated but the four of them execute things so well that it’s hard not to be impressed. They’re just good at what they do and you want to see them beat people up. Walter is the star of the team, but the other three have come up very nicely and the whole thing has turned into one of the best things about NXT UK.
From Raw again.
Women’s Tag Team Titles: Charlotte/Becky Lynch vs. Kabuki Warriors
Natalya and Charlotte beat the Warriors last week but “family issues” kept Natalya from being here, meaning Becky is in her place. Asuka kicks away at Becky to start and the shots to the head just get on her nerves. Sane comes in and gets armdragged down, allowing Becky to strike a quick pose.
Becky gets one off a suplex and it’s off to Charlotte for the first time. That means a lot of chops and some strutting but Asuka kicks away. Cue Shayna Baszler to watch as we take a break. Back with Asuka taking over and kicking at Charlotte’s face in the corner. We hit the chinlock from Sane before Asuka comes back in for some strikes.
The Asuka Lock goes on for a few seconds but she switches to an armbreaker. That’s reversed with a lifting powerbomb but Sane is back in with a kick to Charlotte’s face. Charlotte finally avoids a charge in the corner and makes the hot tag off to Becky to stomp away in the corner. Sane gets sent into Asuka and there’s the Bexploder. Baszler jumps onto the apron but here’s Bayley to take her down, allowing Asuka to roll Becky up for the pin at 17:49.
Rating: C. This ate up a lot of time and that’s probably a good idea on a show where everyone is going to be tired in the first place. The ending was annoying but at least Becky vs. Asuka sounds good. I’m glad they addressed the lack of Natalya, though I doubt it was anything more than wanting Becky in the spot and not thinking it through from last week.
Post match Bayley sends Becky into the barricade.
From Smackdown.
Tag Team Titles: New Day vs. Revival
Revival is defending. Kofi rolls Dawson up for some early near falls and it’s off to Big E. to go after Wilder’s knee. The referee has to check on Wilder and we take an early break. Back with Big E. hitting a belly to belly on Wilder, whose knee is just fine. Kofi comes back in for the dropkicks and the big dive onto both champs. Back in and Dawson avoids Trouble in Paradise, leaving Kofi to get two off the SOS to Wilder.
Big E.’s Rock Bottom out of the corner is broken up and it’s a double hanging DDT to Big E. for no cover. A middle rope uppercut/German suplex combination gives Wilder two but the Shatter Machine is broken up. Dawson gets sent outside and Big E. holds Wilder up for Trouble in Paradise for the pin and the titles at 8:30.
Rating: C+. Well so much for Kofi’s post title loss depression. I’m not sure how much sense it makes to go back to that but if Kofi needs another line on his already Hall of Fame resume, so be it. At this rate he’s already a two time Hall of Famer so it’s hardly a stretch to have him win another title. The match was the usual entertaining stuff between these two.
From Smackdown again.
Roman Reigns vs. King Corbin
Reigns jumps him before the bell and hits a clothesline to the floor. After a quick beating, it’s Corbin coming back inside and hammering away. Reigns hits a big boot but here are Robert Roode and Dolph Ziggler to go after Reigns, because he’s lost the locker room or something. Corbin catches Reigns with Deep Six back inside and we take a break.
Back with Ziggler getting in another cheap shot so Corbin can send Reigns into the barricade. They get back in and slug it out until Corbin hits a chokeslam. Corbin misses a shot off the top though and Reigns hits a running clothesline for two. Ziggler and Roode come in again though and the distraction lets Corbin hit End of Days for the pin at 9:27.
Rating: D+. This really missed for me as Corbin vs. Reigns is boring enough on its own, and then we have Roode and Ziggler, who shouldn’t like Reigns in the first place, attacking him because….he took time off for cancer? It feels like it could be the start of Reigns’ big road to redemption, because that’s a story WWE loves to do. It isn’t the worst thing they could go with, but please find a more interesting way to go about doing so.
And again, from Smackdown.
Sami tries to convince Bryan to not do the YES Movement again. The lights go out and the Fiend appears for the Mandible Claw on Bryan as Sami runs away.
Video on Brock Lesnar vs. Rey Mysterio.
From Raw to wrap it up.
OC vs. Humberto Carrillo/Ricochet/Randy Orton
Ricochet grabs Anderson by the arm to start and it’s off to Orton to take over. Orton tags out to Carrillo by slapping him in the chest, so Carrillo twists AJ’s arm around as well. A multiple springboard sets up a very high angle wristdrag into an armbar as Carrillo gets to show off a bit.
Ricochet hits a springboard spinning crossbody but Orton isn’t happy with being knocked off the apron as we take a break. Back with Carrillo’s springboard armdrag being countered into a faceplant to put him in trouble. Carrillo fights out in a hurry and it’s off to Ricochet, who gets beaten up in the corner instead.
Gallows drops an elbow and the big leg before he stops to knock Orton off the face. AJ comes in but gets kicked in the face, allowing Ricochet a breather. The hot tag brings in Carrillo to clean house but he misses the moonsault. That’s enough for the tag to Orton, who starts hitting his usual on AJ. Orton teases the RKO to Ricochet but takes AJ out instead, setting up the moonsault to give Carrillo the pin at 15:40.
Rating: C. Completely standard tag match formula outside of the ending angle. Orton could go for a face turn a long heel stretch but you can’t just jump straight in with someone like him. That’s all well and good, though the turn on Ricochet isn’t out of the question. I like the idea of giving Carrillo the pin, but I don’t think it’s something that is going to change much after his multiple losses to Styles.
Post match Orton and Ricochet stare at each other, with Orton saying he can take Ricochet out whenever and wherever he wants.
Overall Rating: C-. The biggest problem here was the show reminding us how uninteresting the week in England really was. What we got here was a bunch of recaps of stuff that wasn’t great, but they did a good job of making me realize how little the original matches add to this show. They are just things that exist and don’t add much, but it’s better than having the wrestlers sit around and do nothing. This was a completely nothing show, but maybe that is what Main Event needs to be.
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