Main Event – November 21, 2019: It’s Becoming A Trend

IMG Credit: WWE

Main Event
Date: November 21, 2019
Location: TD Garden, Boston, Massachusetts
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Byron Saxton

I’m a bit behind here so it could be interesting to see how this serves as a recap. The big story of the week has been NXT’s Invasion, which could make for some entertaining television. The story has been energizing for the two main roster shows and hopefully that shows through here. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Mojo Rawley vs. Boston Bob

Bob is a guy in a Celtics shirt and shorts so Rawley isn’t all that interested in beating him up. Bob’s early attempts at offense are cut off but a hard clothesline and more trash talking, including some applause and a “Way to go Bob!”. The chinlock doesn’t last long but Mojo has time to throw his sweat on the crowd. The comeback is actually on with a few shots to the face and a clothesline until the Alabama Slam gives Mojo the pin at 3:30.

Rating: D. I could go for more like this as Rawley was a little funny as he picked Bob apart. What else do you want from something like this? This was your old school squash and it let Mojo be arrogant, which is as good as he is going to get at the moment. Let him show some frustration with the lower level competition and maybe he can get a small step forward for once.

We look back at the Fiend attacking Bray Wyatt.

From Smackdown.

It’s time for MizTV with Miz quickly introducing Daniel Bryan. Miz asks about the Fiend attacking Bryan last week but Bryan can’t bring himself to say anything. Miz wants to know what is going on with Bryan, who looks confused about everything going on. Does Bryan not know who he is anymore? Bryan stands up and says he’s been quiet because MizTV sucks, just as it always has.

Miz doesn’t understand the passion that he has, just like these people. It was a mental instability combined with his passion that drove him to do things. Bray Wyatt understands though and that’s what makes him dangerous. Bray is unstable….and the Firefly Fun House starts up. Wyatt says it’s rude to talk about someone when they aren’t there. Being confused is a scary feeling, but maybe Fiend did it to scare Bryan. Or maybe it’s because of what Bryan did. You remember what that is, right Bryan?

It isn’t explained, because we need to look in Bray’s toy box. After throwing out some stuff, including a saw, he finds the Universal Title. If Bryan wants to come play, all he has to do is say that one word. Bryan: “NO!” This turns into an argument with Bray’s friends but if they’re going to fight, it’s going to be for the Universal Title. Bray says yes and starts his own YES chant. That goes on for a long time with Bray’s eyes bugging out. Bray stops and Miz announces the title shot for Survivor Series. Bryan leaves to end the show.

From Raw.

Becky Lynch/Charlotte vs. IIconics

The bell rings after a break with Joe on commentary, describing himself as a Brock Lesnar proof commentator. The IIconics jump them to start and Peyton spinkicks Charlotte in the face to give Billie an early two. A missed charge in the corner gives Billie two more but Charlotte is right back with a quick Figure Eight. Becky Bexplodes Peyton and Billie taps at 2:17.

Post match the Horsewomen come in and jump the IIconics, drawing Becky and Charlotte back for the fight. The numbers get the better of Becky and Charlotte but they’re fine enough to chase the three of them into the crowd. Becky punches out a security guard to a big reaction.

Video on Brock Lesnar vs. Rey Mysterio.

Cedric Alexander vs. Eric Young

They lock up to start with Cedric armdragging him into an armbar. Young blocks the spin out of a wristlock and takes it into the corner. That earns him an anklescissors into a dropkick and they head outside. Young drops him onto the apron and we take a break. Back with Cedric in more trouble, including Young lifting him for a dragon sleeper in the corner.

The neck crank/chinlock goes on for a bit until Cedric gets up for a dropkick. The Neuralizer puts Young on the floor for the big flip dive and the springboard Downward Spiral gets two back inside. Young’s DDT and top rope elbow get the same, only to have Cedric grab the Lumbar Check for the pin at 11:23.

Rating: C. These Main Event matches where people are actually trying are becoming a trend and I’m not sure what to think of them. Maybe it’s just that Young is a talented guy who can do good things in the ring, as long as he isn’t pushed as the top heel in the company. Cedric is rather talented too, but it wasn’t translating on Raw and pulling the plug on him was probably the right move.

From Raw to wrap it up.

Tag Team Titles: Randy Orton/??? vs. Viking Raiders

Orton and his mystery partner who isn’t a mystery if you are paying even the slightest bit of attention, Ricochet, are challenging. Ricochet chops away at Erik, who takes him down and plants him face first on the mat. A dropkick puts Erik on the floor and Orton tags himself in before the flip dive can launch. Ricochet tries a moonsault to the floor but gets kneed in the face.

Orton drops Erik onto the apron but we cut to the back where Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode are beating up what looked like Eric Young and Cedric Alexander. Back from a break with Ricochet and Ivar trading flips until Ricochet is sent outside. Ivar hits his big dive and here’s Smackdown to jump Orton for the DQ at 8:23.

Rating: C. There is something amusing about WWE setting up Hawkins and Ryder as #1 contenders at a house show match in German but then having them taken out before they can even get to the ring. Anyway, the match was good enough until the finish, which fit in with a theme tonight. I don’t think the titles were ever in any real jeopardy and there were bigger things at stake here.

Orton, Ricochet and the Raiders clear the ring but here’s NXT for the brawl. NXT gets the better of it and here are even more of them, including the Undisputed Era. NXT comes in but I believe Steve Cutler walks into an RKO (which the camera misses). Everyone gets in at once but here’s Rollins with Raw for the big fight. We cut to the back with HHH saying that this is the beginning of the end. It’s over in six days when NXT shows that it is the A brand. On Wednesday, it is an open door to Raw and Smackdown to come to NXT and do whatever they want. Back in the arena, the brawl ends the show.

Overall Rating: C-. The ending was hot, though you would expect to see something from NXT after the big HHH speech. What we got was good enough though and Young vs. Alexander was surprisingly good. The important thing here was focusing on Survivor Series and they did that well enough. Just watch Survivor Series though and you’ll be better off.

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