Title Change At MSG House Show

You don’t see many of these but it’s cool that it still takes place.

Andrade beat Rey Mysterio to win the US Title. This is a surprise but not completely out of the blue as it’s the biggest house show of the year and Rey should be banged up after Monday’s beatdown. I can go for this and you can all but guarantee a rematch either on Raw or at the Royal Rumble.



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3 Responses

  1. Jay H says:

    Glad for Andrade, he’s earned it. Nothing wrong with doing a Title change here and there on the House Show loop.

  2. NightShiftLoser says:

    I’m surprised they pulled the trigger this fast. I was just talking to a friend and saying they would have an amazing Hair v Title/Mask at Mania

  3. Jack-Hammer says:

    Nice to see Andrade get his first title win in WWE outside of NXT. I just hope it’s not some quickie in which Mysterio wins the title back this Monday.

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