Happy New Year/Update

To say 2019 had a lot going on is an understatement.  It was all over the place, both in the ring and for me as well.  The amount of stuff that I’ve been doing for Wrestlingrumors.net went through the roof but it has allowed me to do a lot of things that I had always wanted to do both professionally and financially and that has been a huge game changer.

The part that bothers me though is how much time it has taken away from me being able to do my reviews, especially getting them up as fast as I usually do.  The last few weeks have been especially bad in this area as I was in Chicago for Survivor Series weekend, caught bronchitis while I was there and wound up with pneumonia when I came back.  Then there were the holidays and my in-laws surprised my wife by coming in from England for a few days.  I’m trying to get caught up on everything but it’s been a bit of a challenge as I’ve been spending as much time as I can with them.  Hopefully I’ll be caught up by Monday and then everything should be back to normal going forward.

As always, thank you all so much for everything you do for me.  I absolutely could not do any of this without you as this place gives me a reason to keep going with what I’m doing.  It has opened doors for me that I never would have thought possible before and changed my life in ways I still don’t believe.  2019 was awesome and if it never gets any better than that, I’d be more than fine with it.  Maybe 2020 can be better and I’m certainly down to try for it.  Thank you all for being here with me and I’ll be around as long as you are.


Happy New Year everyone.