Ring of Honor TV – December 25, 2019 (Best Of 2019 Part 1): It Helps When You Can Pick

IMG Credit: Ring of Honor Wrestling

Ring of Honor
Date: December 25, 2019
Host: Ian Riccaboni

It’s time for the first of two Best of 2019 shows, which is likely going to draw some jokes given how things have been going around here. They have a lot of stuff to pick from and thankfully Ring of Honor is the kind of promotion which is much better when they focus on the wrestling and not the storylines. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

We open with a look at Shane Taylor winning the TV Title in a four way match in Toronto.

From Best In The World.

TV Title: Bandido vs. Shane Taylor

Taylor is defending and Bandido slaps him in the face to start. That ticks Taylor off so Bandido can start ducking and dodging in a fast manner. They head outside and this time Taylor catches him with a powerbomb onto the apron to take over. Back in and the chinlock goes on but Bandido kicks him in the head for the break. Another kick to the head sets up a corkscrew crossbody to send Taylor outside.

You don’t do that against a luchador and it’s a running dive to take Taylor down again. Back in and another middle rope moonsault keeps Taylor in trouble but he catches a charge in the corner with something like a chokeslam. The middle rope splash gives Taylor two but Greetings From 216 is broken up. A superkick rocks Taylor but the 21 Plex is blocked with a grab of the rope. The powerbomb and a knee to the head set up a package piledriver for two on Bandido.

That means frustration sets in so Shane goes up….AND BANDIDO CATCHES HIM IN MID AIR??? That’s the kind of thing that impressed people when Diesel did it to Bret Hart so good freaking grief man. Bandido powerslams him for two and a shooting star gets the same. Another 21 Plex attempt is countered into the Greetings From 216 to retain the title at 12:35.

Rating: B. It takes a lot to truly shock me with a spot but Bandido, who is far from a big guy, pulling Taylor out of the air, actually stunned me. I don’t remember the last time that happened but my goodness it was awesome. Bandido is a lot more than just a high flier but he’s awesome at that too, making this one a very nice surprise.

Highlights of Jay Lethal vs. Matt Taven in a 60 minute draw at the 17th Anniversary Show.

From Global Wars Espectacular.

Villain Enterprises vs. Okamura/Rey Bucanero/Hechicero/Barbaro Cavernario

Hechicero, a wizard, chases Marty to the floor to start and Scurll isn’t sure what to do so far. Back in and some wristlocks go nowhere so Brody King offers Scurll some advice (“GET OUT!”). Marty takes him down and hits the bird pose so PCO can come in to face Cavernario. Some shoulders have no effect on PCO so Cavernario gets dropped with a shoulder. A hurricanrana works a bit better on PCO but he gets a boot up in the corner…to send Cavernario into the Worm.

Back from a break with King cleaning house, including a sunset flip from Marty into a King powerbomb for two on Bucanero. The cannonball hits Bucanero in the corner and it’s a brainbuster into a Swanton as everyone makes the save. Hechicero hits a cutter on King for no cover, leaving PCO to get crushed against the barricade. King gets drop toeholded into a double surfboard to make it even worse. Back up and King sends them to the floor for the big flip dive, only to have Hechicero hit his own springboard moonsault.

Cavernario kicks Flip and Marty to the floor for a springboard dive and Bucanero gets launched to the floor. Back in and it’s Hechicero taking the strap down for a strike off with PCO. Hechicero is sent to the floor and that means the PCOsault to take everyone down again. Scurll goes after Okamura’s fingers and it’s King’s backsplash onto Okamura onto Scurll’s knees for the pin at 13:26.

Rating: B. Yeah this worked, with everyone getting to do whatever they could. The point here wasn’t the tag wrestling or anything more than just throwing a lot of people in the ring and letting them do whatever they wanted. The fans liked it and it was a good showcase all around. What more could you want here?

Highlights of Matt Taven winning the World Title in Madison Square Garden.

We hear about the Guerrillas of Destiny vs. the Briscoes in a ladder war too violent for TV.

From ROH TV, July 31.

Briscoes vs. Dragon Lee/Rush

It’s a brawl to start (yes, in a Briscoes match) with Lee sending Mark to the floor off a hurricanrana. Jay and Rush trade flips and corner splashes, followed by Jay getting forearmed down. Lee and Mark trade kicks but Lee’s suicide dive is caught in midair for a double suplex.

We take an early break and come back with a notice that this match has been edited for content. Lee is in trouble as Mark hits a swinging suplex before handing it back to Jay for some shots to the face. A double shoulder puts Lee down again as the fans are WAY into the Briscoes here. Lee sends Mark into the corner and brings Rush in for the running slap and a nice reaction. Everything breaks down with the Briscoes being sent into the barricade a few times each.

Back in and Rush makes Jay scream off a chop, setting up a double basement dropkick. A bloody Mark comes back in and gets caught with a basement dropkick of his own. Rush and Lee hit the Tranquilo pose and we take a second break. Back again with Mark using a chair for a big springboard flip dive onto everyone. The Froggy Bow (with Mark’s face blurred for the blood) gets two on Rush with Lee making the save to a chorus of booing.

The slugout is on with Mark getting the better of it but getting caught with a reverse hurricanrana. Jay gives Lee a Death Valley Driver but Rush is back up with a snap German suplex to put everyone down. It’s Mark up with a Rock Bottom suplex and Jay loads up the Jay Driller on Rush. That’s broken up without much effort and Lee hits a running hurricanrana over the ropes to send Mark from the apron to the floor (sticking the landing, of course). The Bull’s Horns hits Jay for the pin 13:11.

Rating: B. I could go for the full version of this one as these four beat the heck out of each other and saved the show. While I can’t imagine Rush sticking around and not winding up in either WWE or AEW, ROH needs to push him to the freaking moon. He’s the best thing they’ve had in a LONG time and having him run through Taven in about ten seconds would be a great thing to see. The Briscoes have proven themselves time after time and Rush/Lee looked every bit as good. It’s a heck of a fight and the kind of high impact match you only get in the tag division around here, so I’ll take what I can get.

Overall Rating: A-. As is the case with almost any Best Of show, they could pick and choose whatever they wanted here and that’s a lot better than trying to take PCO seriously as the top guy in the promotion. They didn’t do anything storyline related here and they shouldn’t have tried. Ring of Honor has all of the material they need and we got a nice selection here so very well done, even if it’s not their usual stuff.

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