Main Event – January 16, 2020: Home Game

IMG Credit: WWE

Main Event
Date: January 16, 2020
Location: Rupp Arena, Lexington, Kentucky
Commentators: Byron Saxton, Mickie James

This is a slightly more interesting than usual one for me as I was in the arena for the show. That might not make it any good or anything, but it’s nice to be able to get to see some live wrestling whenever you can. Granted the show wasn’t exactly great in the first place but maybe a rewatch will help. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Cedric Alexander vs. Eric Young

Cedric cranks on the arm to start and pulls him down into a quickly broken armbar. A dropkick cuts off Eric’s screaming and he can’t quite do the Flair Flip in the corner. Cedric anklescissors him down but Young snaps the neck across the ropes. The chinlock goes on but Alexander is back up even faster than usual. A basement dropkick puts Young on the floor for a suicide dive. Back in and Alexander’s superplex is broken up and Young’s top rope elbow gets two. Not that it matters as Cedric hits the Neuralizer for the pin at 5:32.

Rating: D+. Cedric is another case of someone who could have gone somewhere but WWE seems content with not giving him another chance. Young on the other hand never had a real chance and it’s kind of a shame as he can work with anyone. That’s the Young that I can live with, though WWE doesn’t seem to agree.

We recap the return of the Usos.

From Smackdown.

Usos vs. King Corbin/Dolph Ziggler

Jimmy shoulders Ziggler down to start and it’s a double elbow drop for two. Corbin comes in for a clothesline and Jimmy gets caught in the wrong corner. Some right hands in the corner stagger Corbin a bit and a jumping enziguri puts him down. Jimmy goes up but here’s the Revival to distract him, meaning Ziggler can send him into the barricade.

Cue Reigns (Why did he leave?) to beat up the Revival and we take a break. Back with Jey hitting the running hip attack in the corner but diving onto Corbin, who pulls him out of the air. Corbin sends Jey into Reigns so Jimmy superkicks Ziggler to set up the Superfly Splash. Back up and Corbin gets speared down by Reigns for the DQ at 8:55.

Rating: C. You knew someone was going to get disqualified here as the Usos may be back but we can’t have Corbin and Ziggler lose because they’re the major heels. The Usos looked like their old selves and that’s rather good as they’re still one of the best teams in the world. Just find someone more interesting for them to face.

Post match Robert Roode returns and hits the Glorious DDT on Reigns on the floor. The Usos get laid out as well and it’s a spinebuster/elbow drop to put Reigns through the table to end the show. Just in case you weren’t overwhelmed by the levels of boring in Corbin and Ziggler already, now Roode is back.

From Raw.

Bobby Lashley vs. Rusev

They go straight into the brawl and Rusev gets two off a spinwheel kick. Lashley is right back with right hands in the corner but a suplex gets Rusev out of trouble. Some kicks to the back and another suplex have Lashley down, and the Cannonball gets two. A thumb to the eye and a running clothesline put Rusev on the floor though and a spear takes us to a break.

Back with Rusev fighting out of a chinlock but getting kicked in the knee to cut that off in a hurry. Rusev kicks his way out of trouble and hits a Samoa drop. Lashley’s German suplex is no sold and it’s the jumping superkick to put Lashley down. Lana offers a distraction though and Lashley gets in a cheap shot.

Cue Liv Morgan to go after Lana and threaten to rip the wig off her hair, among other insults that we can’t make out due to rapid fire camera cuts. Lana steals a drink from a fan to throw in her face and send her into the barricade, leaving Lashley to hit the spear and finish Rusev at 14:22.

Rating: C-. This felt a lot shorter than it was and the match wasn’t all that good. That’s a big part of the feud as we are not in the fifth month and we have only seen two matches. Neither of them have been very good either, and now we are likely setting up a mixed tag with the men needing to take care of the not very good women. How is this supposed to be an upgrade?

Akira Tozawa vs. Shelton Benjamin

Shelton easily wins a wrestle off to start so Tozawa picks up the pace with a jawbreaker and an enziguri to the floor. That means a running flip dive from the apron and we take a break. Back with Shelton hitting three straight slams and slapping on the chinlock. Now it’s a reverse chinlock to mix things up a bit until Tozawa fights up. A hurricanrana drops Shelton and the Black Widow goes on. That’s broken up so they botch a running headscissors twice in a row (egads) and settle for Tozawa getting two off a crucifix. Tozawa goes up so Shelton runs the ropes and belly to belly superplexes him down. Paydirt finishes Tozawa at 6:52.

Rating: D. This was really rough and it wasn’t much better seeing it in person. I don’t know if it was just an off night for both of them or if they just don’t work well together but this wasn’t good on almost any level. Also, after getting a string of appearances on Raw, Tozawa loses here to Shelton Benjamin? Really?

From Smackdown.

It’s time for the Firefly Fun House with Bray saying he loves everyone here. That feels special but not everyone is worthy. He means Daniel Bryan because whatever the opposite of what love is is what HE feels about Bryan. Daniel has been naughty lately and he’s in a heap of trouble at the Royal Rumble.

First, the Fiend wanted him to remember, and we get some clips of Bryan’s time in the Wyatt Family, plus his rebellion. Then he wanted to change Bryan, with clips of the haircut. Now that Bryan wants the title, HE wants to destroy Bryan. Bray: “Bye! I love you! Not you Daniel!” I’m as shocked as you are that WWE actually remembered a history between these two from so long ago but it’s rather nice to see for a change.

Also from Smackdown.

Bryan says Fiend wants a lot and Bryan does remember the Wyatt Family. He also remembers outsmarting them and Fiend must not be happy with that. Then Fiend wants him to change so Bryan feels more dangerous. The one thing Fiend can change about him is that he can’t be broken. Ramblin Rabbit pops up on screen behind him and offers to tell Bryan the secret to defeating the Fiend but Bray grabs him and says snitches get snitches. Bryan nods a bit. I need scenes of Bryan trying to meet with Rabbit in secret to get information, preferably in wacky costumes with false identities.

From Raw.

Big Show/Kevin Owens/Samoa Joe vs. Seth Rollins/AOP

Fist Fight, meaning anything goes and the only way to win is for the referee to say your team can’t continue. The AOP and Rollins jump Show during his entrance so here are Owens and Joe with kendo sticks for the save. The fight is on and it’s Show and Rollins in the ring while the other four fight by the entrance.

Show chops Rollins against the barricade but Rollins manages a posting. Owens one ups that by running up the curved set and flip diving onto the AOP on the floor (very cool moment). Joe dives off the ramp onto Akam and everyone is down again. Rollins is sent outside and finds the still seated Murphy, who he begs for help.

That’s just what happens, as Murphy gets in and hits Show low, allowing the two of them to put Show through a table in the corner. Joe and Owens are sent through the announcers’ table for the huge crash and now it’s time to surround Show. The AOP powerbomb Show and it’s the Stomp to make the referee end it at 5:17.

Rating: D+. The angle with Murphy was the point of course and that’s the right way to go. Rollins as the Monday Night Messiah is interesting and having him get some followers is a good idea. What matters most here though is getting someone fresh on a higher level and that includes Murphy. I don’t know if he’s the big solution, but you have to upgrade someone at some point and they tried it here. The surprise was better in person as Murphy wasn’t shown on the big screen, or at least not shown for more than a split second, so it was an even bigger surprise.

Post match Rollins hugs the AOP and then Murphy to end the show. Nothing happened after the show went off the air.

Overall Rating: D. Pretty weak show this week with the regular matches not being much to see and the recaps not exactly being inspiring. There was very little here as far as the Rumble matches go and they are the focal points of the pay per view. It’s nice to get some focus on the other things, but that doesn’t exactly make this a thrilling show.

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