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5 Responses

  1. Lian Fenech says:

    This may sound strange but I believe Goldberg having such short matches Win or Lose adds to his aura.

  2. Sebastian Howard says:

    Yes because Goldberg’s match with taker at Saudi Arabia was SO good! Goldberg hasn’t had a good match since his mania match with lesnar and before that.. let’s see a good Goldberg match in his wwe run…. him vs jericho was ok and him vs rock was ok. I’m not saying the fiends great either but they really need to put over the fiend here and hopefully Goldberg doesn’t mess up putting him over like he messed up the Saudi Arabia taker match.

  3. Cameron says:

    I’m torn. I love the Fiend character, though I find Wyatt really dull in the ring. But he probably should win. But I’m a huge Goldberg fan, so part of me wants to see him win, because I have absolutely zero interest in seeing Wyatt vs Reigns. Goldberg vs Reigns actually excites me, I’m down to see them spear and punch the hell out of each other for 6 minutes at Mania.

    Win would be monumental for Wyatt, but then if he turns around loses at Mania 6 weeks later the rub would be pointless, so if he beats Goldberg, he needs to retain at Mania too.

    That being said a loss probably wouldn’t kill him, considering that Goldberg has literally squashed Lesnar.

    The fact that it’s in Saudi also makes it intriguing, because they love their legends, and with Mania around the corner, I could legit see this going either way

    Which makes me actually really want to see this match lol

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