Revolution Preview

IMG Credit: AEW
It’s almost weird to do one of these for this company. AEW has not been around all that long and they don’t do a lot of pay per views. For the most part they are a television company but they do throw out the occasional major show. That’s what we have here with Revolution and the card has been really well built up. Hopefully they can live up to the hype, which they have managed to do almost every time so far. Let’s get to it.
Pre-Show: Dark Order vs. So Cal Uncensored
This is built around a mystery involving the Dark Order’s Exalted One, with the questions being who is he and when is he showing up. The first one is what matters most here though, as Christopher Daniels is kind of perfect for the whole thing. At the same time though, he might be a red herring, as AEW has done a very good job of making you wonder who it is going to be.
As for the match, I’ll take the Dark Order to win. They should be on their game more to impress the Exalted One and it’s not like SCU needs the win. This should be a good enough match, though I wouldn’t let the Dark Order stay in the ring for very long. Daniels isn’t likely the Exalted One, but at least we’re getting an interesting search through the suspects.
Jake Hager vs. Dustin Rhodes
Sometimes you need an old standard for a story and that’s what you have here. Hager was part of the group that attacked Rhodes and put him on the shelf so now Rhodes wants revenge. What else do you need for something like this? AEW has done a nice job of setting up the feuds and then letting the promos do the heavy lifting and that’s what we have here.
Hager should win this one, though Rhodes will put up a heck of a fight and get in his offense. At the end of the day though, Hager is being presented as the Inner Circle’s monster and there is no reason to have him lose his first match with the company. Have him go out fighting as hard as he can but just being outmatched by the big, powerful monster.
Darby Allin vs. Sammy Guevara
Similar idea to Hager vs. Rhodes, but with a little less cowboy and a little more…whatever Allin is. Allin has caught on with the AEW fans like no one else in the promotion and is one of the names the company can point to and say they have created a star. You don’t get to do that very often and Allin has been a shining example. This is one of his bigger matches to date and he should be fine.
I’ll take Allin to win here as Guevara is talented but he’s not the same as Hager, who is a monster needing to be protected. Allin is someone who wants revenge as well and in this case he should be getting it, preferably with the skateboard involved. He’s grown on me a lot and Guevara has been a favorite since I first saw him in Orlando a few years back. This is Allin’s to win and the place will go nuts for him.
Pac vs. Orange Cassidy
This is the one that is going to get some people talking, but it might not be in the same way that AEW is hoping for. We have a rather serious wrestler in Pac, who just came out of a war with Kenny Omega and Orange Cassidy, who is the comedy guy with a massive following. The thing is this isn’t the same as a comedy guy being elevated to a spot he isn’t ready to be in. Cassidy is a different kind of wrestler (I’m not entirely sure what kind) and that could make this different.
That being said, of course Pac wins here, as AEW knows better than to have Pac lose twice in a row, especially to someone who is going to stay over no matter what they do. Cassidy isn’t someone who ever needs to get in the ring because the fans are going to cheer for him no matter what, which is a good spot to be in. Pac wins here as he should, but the shenanigans are going to be something to see.
Women’s Title: Nyla Rose(c) vs. Kris Stadtlander
This is an annoying one for me as I really like Stadtlander but she might be running into a buzzsaw here. Rose is someone that AEW is pushing hard and with good reason, so I’m not sure if they would pull the trigger on Stadtlander here. Part of the problem is the character, as Stadtlander is a little bit out there with what she does (just listen to JR cut Excalibur off when he tried to explain the alien deal) to be a major featured player in the division. She can challenge for the title, but I’m not sure she can win it.
I have to go with Rose here, as it’s too soon to take the title off of her. AEW has not shown a propensity for changing titles in a hurry and I don’t think that is what they are going to do here. Stadtlander might get a title reign one day, but I don’t think they are going to take the title off of Rose so soon. Maybe down the road, but for now it’s Rose’s to retain, as it should be.
Tag Team Titles: Kenny Omega/Hangman Page vs. Young Bucks
And now we get into the matches where I either A, really want to see them, B, have no idea what to do with them or C, a nice mixture of both. This is a story that could go on for a LONG time as they are four of the people who really matter in this company. Page and Omega are awesome as the champions who are great in the ring together but might not get along so well out of it and the Bucks are the Bucks.
I’ll go with Omega and Page to retain here, as there are a lot more directions to go with the Bucks coming up short here. They can milk this thing for a crazy amount of time and this should be the first of several matches built around this story rather than the big climax. AEW seems smart enough to understand that and hopefully everything will be as good as it seems like it could be.
Maxwell Jacob Friedman vs. Cody
Now this is what I want to see. If there wasn’t a big World Title match on the show, this could headline in a heartbeat (as could the Tag Team Titles, which is a good sign). They have built this up incredibly well since the last pay per view and now we are in for Cody to get the chance to FINALLY give Friedman the beating that he has coming to him. That’s where things get complicated and I’m not sure which way to go.
I was ready to say Cody but I think they’ll find a way to let Friedman escape and extend what Cody has to do to get his hands on him for real, but I’m not sure if that’s the right idea. They have set this up perfectly so far and at some point you need to give the fans what they want to see from the story. Cody needs to crush Friedman at some point but I think they’ll try to extend it again, which is something that could work. Maybe.
AEW World Title: Chris Jericho(c) vs. Jon Moxley
And then we have this, which again could go either way. Moxley seems primed and ready to take the title from Jericho but….that would mean taking the title from Jericho. I’m not sure if that’s what they need to do just yet as he is as established as he can get, but at the same time he’s so great as champion that it makes a lot of sense to keep it on him. There’s something special going on here when I’m this unsure as it could be either choice.
I’ll take Moxley to win the title here as they are going to need a big moment if nothing else happens. This really is the kind of match where it could go either way and I love that that’s true. Even if they change the title here, there is no guarantee that Moxley keeps it, but I’m not sure I can imagine Jericho beating him at this point. Then again I could be completely wrong, as I tend to be.
Overall Thoughts
This is a top heavy show and that’s a good thing. The three biggest matches on the card could go either way and I want to see how all of them play out. The rest of the show looks good as well and there is a real chance that they could have an awesome show. That tends to be the case for AEW and it wouldn’t shock me to see them knock it out of the park all over again.
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