Major League Wrestling Fusion – February 29, 2020: Texas And The Dynasty

IMG Credit: Major League Wreslting
Fusion #99
Date: February 29, 2020
Location: 2300 Arena, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Commentators: AJ Kirsch, Rich Bocchini
We’re off to a new taping cycle and that means some big things are in store. This time around that means we have the return of LA Park, who is teaming up with his son to face Contra. I know Park isn’t the biggest deal to a lot of fans but he has a strong reputation around here and that could help things. Let’s get to it.
Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.
Contra is ready to take things worldwide and tonight they’re conquering the Parks.
Opening sequence.
AJ Kirsch tries to bring Mance Warner to the ring but it’s the Dynasty (minus Maxwell Jacob Friedman) instead. Richard Holliday, with the Caribbean Title, says that Kirsch failed to entertain the fans but they need to be educated instead. Therefore, it’s time for Rich Talk, so Holliday makes it clear that the fans are breathing rarefied air. He puts over Alexander Hammerstone as the most dominant champion in MLW, allowing Hammerstone to call the fans fat.
Hammerstone brags about Gino Medina and says he’s ready to crush Konnan, who comes out to interrupt. Konnan talks about how great the fans are in Philadelphia before starting with the insults. He only offered Gino a spot because of Gino’s father so violence is threatened, only to have Mance Warner, Savio Vega and Logan Creed cut them off. Warner sees a problem in the Dynasty stepping to Konnan like this so let’s have a six man tag instead. The fight is on and ring the bell.
Savio Vega/Mance Warner/Logan Creed vs. Dynasty
Konnan is on commentary and it’s a big brawl to start. With everyone else on the floor, Creed chokes on Holliday, who manages to knock him down to one knee. Hammerstone and Medina take Holliday’s place but can’t beat him down. We settle down to Hammerstone and Creed starting things off, with Creed getting choked in the corner to slow him down for the first time. Hammerstone pulls him into the corner again so Medina can choke this time.
A heck of a release German suplex drops Creed but he pops back up with a clothesline. The hotish tag brings in Vega for the spinwheel kick but the Dynasty is back in to take over. Everything breaks down and Creed hits a double chokeslam on Hammerstone and Medina. Vega is sent into the post but Creed dives onto Medina and Hammerstone, with Warner being smart enough to step to the side. In the melee, Holliday hits Vega with the Caribbean Title and steals the pin at 5:59.
Rating: D+. I’m not sure what they were going for here as Warner would seem to be the one that they wanted to push, but this was far more about Creed than anyone else. It wasn’t much of a match either, but the Dynasty winning is fine, especially with Vega taking the fall. The Dynasty vs. Warner/Creed is good, though they’re going to need someone other than Vega if they want it to work.
Post match Konnan sneaks in and hits Medina with the slap jack. The losers and Konnan consume beer.
Post break Konnan is still in the ring but here’s Injustice to interrupt him. Jordan Oliver says it’s awesome that Konnan is almost as old as the building and you can see the dust falling off of his face. These people like Konnan but they like trash too so that doesn’t mean much. Konnan laughs it off and says Oliver would be traded around prison for some Cinnabons. Cue Brian Pillman Jr. with a chair to chase off Injustice.
Injustice vs. Zenshi/Laredo Kid
Pillman is on commentary and it’s Oliver/Kotto Brazil for Injustice with Myron Reed at ringside. Hold on though as Injustice has to undergo an extensive check for weapons. Kid and Zenshi jump them to start with Zenshi and Oliver officially starting. Oliver gets launched over the top so Zenshi can dive onto both Oliver and Myron Reed. Back in and Kid hits a Michinoku Driver for two but Reed pulls Kid down for a crotching against the post. Kid gets taken into the corner and sent head first into the middle buckle.
A German suplex out of the corner gets two but Kid pops Oliver upside the head so Zenshi can come in with a backflip kick to Brazil’s head. Kotto is right back with a Code Red out of the corner with Zenshi having to make a save. Zenshi tornado DDTs Oliver to the floor but Brazil is right back with a baseball slide to Zenshi’s face. Back in and a slingshot Stunner sets up a crucifix bomb to finish Kid at 6:38 (with a double pin, which the referee doesn’t mind).
Rating: C+. It was rather fast paced throughout and that’s what you want out of something like this. Jordan is one of the most unintentionally entertaining performers outside of the ring but he can back it up in the ring. They didn’t bother with anything but flying around the ring like crazy here and that’s what they should have done.
Post match Injustice goes after Pillman but Kid and Zenshi get up for the save without Pillman having to do a thing. Kid even counts the pin on Reed and holds up the title.
Tom Lawlor and Team Filthy can’t believe that people in Texas are so annoyed at the Texas flag being used in various ways. They don’t like anything Texas related, including Texas toast or Walker Texas Ranger. If the Von Erichs love Texas so much, why do they have Hawaii on their trunks? Lawlor agrees that Erick Stevens is a mercenary but they have formed a bond. The Von Erichs are more hat than cattle so Team Filthy is taking them out.
Video on LA Park vs. Jacob Fatu from Superfight.
Killer Kross is still coming. The interesting thing at this point is which promotion he debuts for first.
Injustice isn’t happy with Pillman interfering when he can’t even make 205 Live. Reed: “You’re fat bro.” They have their own crazy white boy and they’ll be watching Pillman vs. Jimmy Havoc next week.
Jimmy Havoc is ready to give Pillman a lethal dose of acid rain.
The Von Erichs swear revenge against Team Filthy.
Intimidation Games is coming, with AAA’s Pagano making his debut.
King Mo doesn’t like Low Ki.
Los Parks vs. Contra Unit
Lumberjack match and it’s Simon Gotch/Josef Samael for Contra. The Parks do their chair dance but Contra jumps them from behind to start. Some chair shots to the back keep the Parks down and it’s time to choke in the corner. The Parks are back with a double dropkick to the floor so the lumberjacks can blow off some steam. Back in and the Parks use the chairs to take over but Samael and Park clothesline each other down. Hijo tells Gotch to hit him so the slugout is on.
A hurricanrana puts Gotch into the corner and it’s a charge from Park. That lets Hijo swivel his hips a bit but Samael pulls out the spike to stab Hijo down. Now they bother to settle down to a regular tag match with Samael stomping at Hijo and yelling at Park. Hijo is sent outside and this time the lumberjacks just throw him back inside. A Backstabber gets Hijo out of trouble and the hot tag brings in Park to beat up both of them. The spear hits Samael and Hijo gets Gotch’s spike. Gotch is knocked cold and Hijo moonsaults onto the lumberjacks, leaving Park to flip dive onto Gotch for the pin at 9:04.
Rating: C. The lumberjacks didn’t change much here and that’s always a possibility in a match like this. The Parks still don’t keep my attention most of the time but they kept it short and chaotic enough to make it better. It’s fine to have them back, but they’re not exactly a thrilling team in the first place.
Overall Rating: C+. They’re setting up some things for the future and I’m looking forward to seeing what that is going to mean in the future. The wrestling was hit and miss here and as can be the case, that’s not the most important thing on an MLW show. I’m curious to see where things go from here and Intimidation Games could be good, depending on what they put together for it.
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