Ring Of Honor TV – March 11, 2020: Maybe Sort Of?

IMG Credit: Ring of Honor

Ring of Honor
Date: March 11, 2020
Location: UMBC Events Center, Baltimore, Maryland
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman
Host: Quinn McKay

We’re still in Baltimore and that means we should be getting close to the main event sooner or later. The show was built around the NWA invasion, meaning NWA World Champion Nick Aldis should be around. That could make for something interesting and that’s what this company is needing. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We look at the NWA invasion as we move towards Aldis vs. Marty Scurll for the World Title. This ties into Rush vs. PCO for the World Title.

Opening sequence.

Rey Horus vs. Brody King

Horus starts fast with the strikes but can’t get very far. Instead, King goes with the power to shove him down. They go outside and we take a rather early break. Back with Horus trying his own strikes, setting up a slingshot hurricanrana to the floor. King gets back in and blasts him with a clothesline, followed by the hard piledriver for two. Horus is right back up with a tornado DDT for two, but King blasts him with a clothesline. The Ganso Bomb finishes Horus at 8:51.

Rating: C. I can always go for a power vs. speed match and that’s exactly what we had here. King is a great big man and can beat people up with reckless abandon. We had a good enough match here as every member of the Mexisquad continues to look good no matter what they’re doing.

At this point we get the first of several ads for Past vs. Present, which wouldn’t be taking place due to the Coronavirus. Shame too as that looks like a decent show.

Brian Zane’s Top Five looks at the best oddball tag teams with Cheeseburger and Jushin Thunder Liger.

La Faccion Ingobernable is ready to work with Nick Aldis, even though he’s not even the most famous wrestler in his house. Rush is the best in the world anyway.

Nick Aldis/Rush vs. Marty Scurll/PCO

Rush jumps PCO from behind to start and hits a basement dropkick to the back. Marty comes in with a backbreaker to put Rush down and the fans are rather pleased to see him. It’s off to Aldis to work on Marty’s arm, only to get armdragged into an armbar. Aldis gets sent outside for a baseball slide but PCO misses the way too early Swanton to the apron. PCO sits up on the floor though and the brawl is on with Aldis, only to have Rush make the save.

Camera cord choking ensues until we settle down to Rush chopping PCO in the corner. Rush kicks him in the face and strikes the pose as we take a break. Back with Aldis dropping an elbow for two but a clothesline gets PCO out of trouble. Marty comes in and starts cleaning house but the CHICKEN WING is broken up with a shot to the head. A tornado DDT allows the tag back to PCO as everything freaks out.

PCO takes out Rush and Aldis with the big flip dive, but Aldis is right back with a Tombstone to Aldis back inside. PCO crotches him on top though and Scurll hits a big superplex. The Quebec Cannonball gets two with Rush having to break it up at two. Aldis drops a top rope elbow on PCO and now it’s time to stare it down with Rush. That’s enough for Rush though, as he walks up the ramp, leaving Aldis to get his fingers snapped. The PCOsault finishes Aldis at 15:35.

Rating: B. This was a solid main event style tag match and that’s what it should have been. The big deal here was setting things up for the future as you could have Scurll or PCO vs. Aldis, with Rush waiting in the wings for either of them. It’s the kind of thing that the company has been needing: a story that feels big instead of just going from one match to another.

We wrap it up with some rapid fire promos for the 18th Anniversary Show, which was scheduled for TWO DAYS after this show. Unless I missed it, this is the first mention of the show so far. Mark Haskins gives a very passionate speech about wanting to become the World Champion to give his family a better life after all these years of hard work.

Overall Rating: B-. The key to this show is very simple: it feels like something happened. Maybe it’s because it came from a big show or the boss was involved in the main event, but this was a big difference than what you usually get around here. I could go for Ring of Honor being a lot better, but I’m not sure how much I should believe that this is going to continue. I’ll take it for now though.

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