On The Coronavirus

Since there is a wrestling side to everything.

So yeah, things have changed quite a lot in recent days and that seems to be where we are likely to stay for a good while. What matters most is that people stay safe and while it’s terrible to have to go through all of this, the important thing is keeping people healthy and safe in the long term. That might mean some inconvenience if not even trouble in the short term, but it’s something that is going to get better (albeit likely after getting worse).

As far as the wrestling world goes….egads man. It’s a terrible situation and while WWE and AEW are likely going to survive just fine (having billionaire owners helps a lot), I have no idea what it’s going to mean for places like ROH, MLW, the NWA and all of the much smaller promotions. Some of them have material previously taped but how long can you go without running new material? I’m sure several of the companies can run Best Of shows for the next few weeks (if not a few months), but what it if lasts a lot longer than that?

As for WWE….I’m not sure on Wrestlemania being at the Performance Center, but given the shakiness of the timeline right now, getting it out of the way might be the best thing they can do. After that they can figure out what to do with TV, but cutting the card WAY down (as in not adding much more than what they have now) and then just doing one big match a week on TV might be their best bet. Write the year off (as a fan, as WWE’s financial hit is going to hurt a lot) and come back next year, because it’s better that anything else you could do right now.

Overall, there’s plenty of wrestling to watch (my list of shows to cover is at about 400 at the moment) and some places are even giving some of it away (you can get a month of Club WWN free at the moment). Find something to watch because odds are you’re going to have a lot of time on your hands. What matters though is keep safe and don’t do something dumb that makes you more vulnerable. It’s going to get better eventually, so enjoy some wrestling in the meantime.



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2 Responses

  1. NightShiftLoser says:

    I agree that Mania needs to be done and out of the way. They can essentially use the rest of this year to build next year’s show, and make it as big and outrageous as possible

    • Lian Fenech says:

      Exactly Finish maina and then no more wresting until the pandemic dies down I renewd my WWE subscription for maina originally but it’s very handy to have for times like this. As a soccer fan all sport has been surspended idefanely so that’s also a reason why I got it. Point is Stay safe everyone as the next few months are gona suck but if it means less infections and needless deaths then that can only be good for everyone. Peace.

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