Wrestlemania XXXVI Preview: Raw World Title: Brock Lesnar vs. Drew McIntyre

IMG Credit: WWE

This time….for sure?

And we’ll wrap it up (maybe) with this, as the Royal Rumble winner gets to headline the show. Lesnar has been champion so many times and for so many days now that it is hard to imagine him losing again here. That being said, and it has been said many times before, Lesnar has been champion for so long that it would be nice to see him doing ANYTHING else besides another lengthy Lesnar title reign.

McIntyre has to win here because it would be up there with Reigns losing back in 2018. Just go with what makes sense here and have McIntyre kick Lesnar’s head off. At some point you need to just push someone as the next big star and that is where we are with McIntyre. He might bomb as champion but you can only have Lesnar keep the title warm for so long and we passed that point years ago. McIntyre wins here and we move on from there, but he has to win the title first.