Impact Wrestling – April 14, 2020: When Old Guys Still Have It

IMG Credit: Impact Wrestling

Impact Wrestling
Date: April 14, 2020
Location: Coca Cola Roxy, Atlanta, Georgia
Commentators: Madison Rayne, Josh Matthews

It’s the (original) go home show for Rebellion, which has been rescheduled but at least is still airing in some form. I’m not sure what the card is going to consist of but some pay per view material is better than none. Hopefully they don’t set up a bunch of stuff they can’t deliver (not their fault if they can’t) but the show has been pretty good lately so maybe it can continue here. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Opening sequence.

Johnny Swinger vs. Mike Jackson

Yeah this was the obvious payoff to the Young Buck M. Jackson reference from last week. Jackson is 70 and hasn’t wrestled on national television since 1991. Before the match, Jackson says he likes this place, but not what Swinger does to the young guys. He’s an old buck and it’s time to give Swinger a beating. An early Swinger Neckbreaker attempt is blocked and Jackson gets two off a rollup. A headscissors puts Swinger on the floor and there’s a suicide dive because of course Jackson can do that.

Back in and Jackson works on the arm, setting up Old School, with Jackson walking all the way around all four ropes. Commentary has finally caught up and announces Rebellion as a two night event over the next two weeks so at least things should be better in that regard. Swinger elbows him down for two but Jackson gets in a neckbreaker. The straps come down and Jackson hammers away in the corner, only to get rolled up with feet on the ropes for the pin at 5:20.

Rating: C+. Normally I would make fun of something like this with Jackson showing up the people on the roster, but there are a few differences here. First of all, it’s Johnny Swinger, who is a comedy guy in his forties. Second, a 70 year old man just did a suicide dive and walked around the top ropes for Old School. I don’t think I’m allowed to complain about this.

Ace Austin doesn’t like Willie Mack’s odds in their X-Division Title match. He doesn’t like being called a scumbag either because Mack isn’t worried about his best friend, but Mack isn’t a scumbag? Cue Trey to say Austin is indeed a scumbag. Ace: “How’s your mom?” The brawl is on in a hurry.

Post break, Jackson got a bunch of praise from the locker room. Fair enough.

Ken Shamrock is told to not get physical during the contract signing.

We run down the rest of the card.

TJP/Fallah Bahh vs. Rascalz vs. XXXL vs. Reno Scum

One fall to a finish. Acey clotheslines Thornstowe down to start and brings in Larry for a running knee in the corner. It’s off to Wentz, who gets thrown into the Scum corner and suplexed to send us to a break. Back with Wentz kicking Legend in the head but getting cut off by Thornstowe. The Pit Stop has Wentz in more trouble and a knee to the face gets two.

Wentz dives over for the hot tag to Dez though and the pace picks up, including a catapult to send Thornstowe into a superkick. Wentz comes back in with a springboard cutter to Thornstowe as everything breaks down. XXXL crushes Legend before hitting stereo suicide dives for the big crashes. Back in and a Samoan drop into a Swanton gives TJP the pin on Thornstowe at 11:14.

Rating: C. You can only get so much out of these things and they did as well as they could have. It wasn’t anything that hasn’t been done better before but at least they had a surprise winner and should set up another Tag Team Title match with the North. TJP and Bahh work well as an oddball team and that’s all they need to do.

Flashback Moment of the Week: Tessa Blanchard beats Gail Kim at Rebellion 2019.

Rohit Raju begs Gama Singh to let him out of a match and gets slapped in the face for his efforts.

Video on Cody Deaner beating Joey Ryan last week.

Ryan doesn’t like that video airing. He demands the production team to play the tape he aired.

The video shows Rob Van Dam and Katie Forbes in a hot tub. They’re sorry about not being there but Katie doesn’t want to be around the Deaners or the fans. You can imagine what comes next.

Rohit Raju vs. Hernandez

Rayne gets annoyed at Josh and leaves commentary as Hernandez pulls Raju out of the air. The Pounce into the Boarder Toss is good for the pin on Raju at 1:20. Note that commentary made it clear that Raju has a big match coming up at Rebellion, right before he got squashed.

Madison Rayne and Johnny Swinger are in the back for Locker Room Talk. Their guest this week is Kylie Rae, who is still happy to be here. Swinger shows off his biceps to hit on her but Kylie is too excited to be ready to face Kiera Hogan at Rebellion. Madison tries to get Rae to be mean about Hogan but it’s not coming. Kiera comes in and says she’s going to humiliate Kylie at Rebellion. Kylie doesn’t want to be pushed this far, but Kiera isn’t that nice!

We get clips of Eddie Edwards vs. Michael Elgin in a match in Qatar. Brian Cage interfered to cost Eddie the match and the title.

Ace Austin vs. Trey

Non-title. They take turns missing flips and dives to start until Trey hits a running basement dropkick to put Ace on the floor. Trey hits a dive to take Austin down again but Ace drops him face first onto the apron. Back in and Ace forearms away as Josh and Madison continue their married bickering on commentary (and actually making it somewhat adorable).

A seated abdominal stretch keeps Trey in trouble but he fights up with a 619 out of the corner. The missile dropkick puts Ace down again but he’s right back up with a springboard kick to the face. Trey is back up, only to miss something off the top and get rolled up with tights to give Ace the pin at 6:18.

Rating: C+. They packed a lot into this one and that’s one of the best things that you can have in a match like this. They didn’t have time to do much here but they have a lot of chemistry, even if Trey never actually beats him. I could go for Ace being champion for a good while to come as he’s held the title for a long time already, even though it doesn’t feel like it. That’s a good sign, as Austin could have a heck of a future at this rate. Side note: Trey makes the second person in the four way at Rebellion to lose in back to back matches. At least try to make it seem important.

Willie Mack is to do some magic of his own and make the title disappear from Austin’s shoulder.

Taya vs. Tenille Dashwood

John E. Bravo is here with Taya. Tenille wastes no time to start with a quick Russian legsweep sending Taya outside. A Bravo distraction lets Taya hammer away and get two off a superplex. We take a break and come back with Taya choking away using various objects. Taya’s running hip attack in the corner, plus some double knees, get two and we hit the half crab.

That doesn’t last long so Taya knees her in the chest and poses on the ropes while choking away. Taya charges into an elbow in the corner though and a running knee to the face sends Taya into another corner. The Taste of Tenille gets two but Taya spears her down for the same. Back from another break with the Road to Valhalla getting two as Tenille grabs the rope. Taya is stunned so she grabs a chair, allowing Tenille to sunset flip her for the pin at 16:18.

Rating: C+. Dashwood is an interesting case as she seems like she should be a huge star but it never comes together. It’s not like this is some huge upset, but it does feel a little strange that Taya would lose. She is coming up on a title match at Rebellion and loses here? I guess it fits in with the theme of the night.

Post match Taya destroys her with a trashcan and a pile of chairs, with even Madison saying this is too much to watch. Jordynne Grace runs in for the save but Tenille is banged up pretty badly.

Tommy Dreamer and Rhino are ready to beat up OVE with the help of their mystery partner.

Rebellion rundown.

Video on Sami Callihan being revealed as the ICU hacker and attacking Ken Shamrock with a fireball.

It’s time for the contract signing between Sami Callihan and Ken Shamrock. Sami tells Josh Matthews to get out and throws his feet on the table. He laughs at the idea of Shamrock not being able to do anything at the moment because he knows how much Shamrock wants to jump the table right now. Sami knows what this match is going to mean for Shamrock, who angrily signs the contract. That doesn’t please Sami, who talks about how smashing Eddie Edwards with the baseball bat was the best thing that ever happened to Sami.

Now it’s time to get serious as brings up Shamrock’s family. That’s too far so Shamrock goes for him, only to have Sami press a button to escape. A bunch of people with ICU masks appear but leave, with Shamrock giving chase. He goes to the parking lot and gets in a car, which is being driven by an ICU guy. Chaos ensues as there are even more of them around the car to end the show. I actually want to see the match so they’re doing something right.

Overall Rating: B-. This place is on a roll as they head into the pay per view but I’m a little bit scared at what is going to happen when they shift more towards a big wrestling focused show. Usually that is where they shine, but lately their television has been better so there is no guarantee that they can pull off both. Either way, I liked this show well enough, even if everything is about to change in a big way. Good show to go out of the norm on at least.


Johnny Swinger b. Mike Jackson – Rollup with feet on the ropes

TJP/Fallah Bahh b. Reno Scum, the Rascalz and XXXL – Swanton Bomb to Thornstowe

Hernandez b. Rohit Raju – Boarder Toss

Ace Austin b. Trey – Rollup with a handful of trunks

Tenille Dashwood b. Taya – Sunset flip

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