NXT UK – June 11, 2020 (Superstar Picks): What I Want

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: June 11, 2020
Host: Andy Shepard

It’s another Superstar Picks edition this week and that is one of the most entertaining things you can get on these shows. They offer a great look inside the WWE vault, which is something you don’t get to do often enough on television. Giving it the British slant makes things even more interesting. Let’s get to it.

Opening sequence.

Andy explains the concept, saying each match will be for a title.

Sam Gradwell starts with a surprise match from Great American Bash 2006.

US Title: Finlay vs. William Regal

Hornswoggle is back as he bites Regal’s fingers, forcing Regal to rake the eyes to escape. Back in and Finlay takes over, working on the hand until Regal hits him in the leg to break things up. They’re certainly mixing up the comedy and technical aspects here. Regal hooks a chinlock but Finlay fights out with some shots to the ribs.

Piper Niven goes with this from NXT UK, November 28, 2018.

NXT UK Women’s Title: Rhea Ripley vs. Toni Storm

For the inaugural title. Storm wastes no time in slugging Ripley down into the corner for the running hip attack. Ripley falls to the floor and eats a suicide dive but another hip attack hits the barricade. They head to the apron and Storm Zero is countered with a backdrop, leaving Toni nearly in tears from the pain.

Back in and a hard whip keeps Toni in trouble, followed by the shoulders to the ribs. The fans are behind Storm, even as she gets caught in a bodyscissors to stay on the ribs and back. Ripley switches over to the standing Cloverleaf, sending Storm over to the ropes for the break. The back is fine enough to roll some German suplexes, followed by a headbutt into a bridging German suplex for two.

Rating: B. This was good stuff with Ripley getting to win clean in the end with her finisher instead of having the cheating finish to set up a rematch. They went with the right call here of having a definitive winner and that’s the way they should have gone here. Storm already has the bigger honor anyway and can come back to win a regular title later on.

Post match Saint and HHH present Ripley with her title.

Noam Dar, with a beard, doesn’t like the rest of the roster.

Video on Aoife Valkyrie.

Dar wants to be deemed an essential service.

Amir Jordan (by way of Andy) sends us to Summerslam 1992 for a match you might have seen.

Intercontinental Title: Bret Hart vs. Davey Boy Smith

An atomic drop (called a reverse piledriver by Vince) puts Smith down and Bret blocks a crucifix (which worked earlier) in a Samoan Drop for two. Another chinlock is quickly broken but Davey charges into a boot in the corner to put him down again. A bulldog puts Bulldog down but he slams Bret off the top a second later. Davey misses a top rope splash and is sent to the outside, drawing a ton of heat for Bret.

They slug it out but Davey drops him out of a gorilla press into the ropes. Three straight clotheslines get two for Smith and a gorilla press gets the same. The delayed vertical and the chest first bump into the buckle get the same. Bulldog hits his powerslam finisher but Bret gets out at two, with far less of a reaction from the crowd than you would expect. Bret rolls through a suplex for two of his own, only to get superplexed down for a near fall.

Back up again and a double clothesline puts both guys down, giving the fans a needed breather. While laying on his back Bret hooks the Sharpshooter ala last year against Mr. Perfect, terrifying the fans. Smith gets the rope so Bret tries a suplex, but Davey drops to his knees and hooks both legs for the pin and the title at 25:40. The place ERUPTS on the three count.

Bret, Davey and Diana embrace to end the show.

Overall Rating: B+. That first match is the kind of thing I look forward to on a show like this. How many people have thought of that match in years? It isn’t something you’re going to see every day and aside from something like this, when is it ever going to be presented? Do more things like that and showcase what kind of resources you have.

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