205 Live – July 17, 2020: That’s Not The Point

IMG Credit: WWE

205 Live
Date: July 17, 2020
Location: WWE Performance Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Drew Gulak

I’m cautiously optimistic about this show as they have started treating it as something a little more important than filler. That being said, you can only expect so much out of a show supplementing the division that is usually filler for the developmental show. Last week’s show was pretty good though so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Tehuti Miles vs. Mansoor

Rematch from last week. Miles throws his jacket at Mansoor to start and stomps away in the corner, followed by a heck of a whip into the corner. Mansoor comes back with a backdrop for two and a suplex with a floatover gets two. The chinlock goes on but Miles fights up and dropkicks him to the floor.

Some whips into various things have Mansoor in more trouble and they head back inside. Miles gets two off a neckbreaker and we hit the bodyscissors. A flapjack gives Miles two more but he misses a dropkick and gets caught with the slingshot neckbreaker. The electric chair Death Valley Driver finishes Miles at 7:22.

Rating: C-. Mansoor continues to improve while Miles continues to be someone who should feel like a breakout star but just never comes off as one. What we got here was fine enough, but it wasn’t exactly a match that I needed to see twice in a row. The wrestling wasn’t much, but I could go for more Mansoor.

We see the Legado del Fantasma segment from NXT, with the trio talking about wanting to bring back the real lucha libre.

We look at Isaiah Scott and Tony Nese joining forces to take out Ever Rise.

Tony Nese vs. Chase Parker

Matt Martel is here with Parker. Nese throws him down with ease and strikes the double bicep pose to play to his strengths. Some takedowns into an STF and then a reverse Figure Four with his legs (best way I can put it) have Nese even more in control. Martel’s distraction attempt doesn’t work as Parker gets taken down by some legsweeps and kicks to the chest.

The second distraction causes Nese to go outside after Martel, allowing Parker to get in a shot from behind. A bulldog gets two and we hit the armbar. Another bulldog attempt doesn’t work though and Nese is back with the Lionsault for two. Martel tries to interfere again but Nese shrugs it off and kicks Parker in the face for the pin at 6:53.

Rating: C-. Why yes, Ever Rise does lose again, as they always do. They’re adequate in the ring but they’re a couple of losers who I don’t recall ever winning a match outside of a quick squash. That’s not exactly worthy of a feud anywhere, including here on this show. Nese feels like he could beat them on his own, let alone with a partner.

Post match Ever Rise beats Nese down but Isaiah Scott runs in for the save to end the show.

Overall Rating: D+. Well they do have stories again, but egads they aren’t exactly thrilling. The wrestling is fine enough but when you go from Scott facing Johnny Gargano and teasing a match against Santos Escobar, it’s a little dull to see him against Ever Rise. Again though, the show is only 27 minutes long so how annoying can it be?


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