Impact Wrestling – July 28, 2020: Wrestle House

IMG Credit: Impact Wrestling
Impact Wrestling
Date: July 28, 2020
Location: Skyway Studios, Nashville, Tennessee
Commentators: Josh Matthews, Madison Rayne
We’re into the new norm around here and I’m not sure what that is going to mean. Things were on a great upswing until Slammiversary but last week’s show wasn’t quite as strong. I’m curious to see if that is going to continue, as they still have the right pieces in place to do some good things. Let’s get to it.
Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.
Opening recap.
Opening sequence.
Impact Wrestling World Title: Trey vs. Eddie Edwards
Eddie is defending. They shake hands to start and fight over a lockup with neither being able to get very far. Trey’s headlock takeover is countered into a headscissors so Trey does it again with a little more success. An anklescissors into a dropkick gives Trey one and the chinlock goes on. Eddie fights up and hits a quick overhead belly to belly, followed by the Blue Thunder Bomb for two.
Back up and Eddie pops him in the jaw but Trey gets in a kick to the face for two. The split legged moonsault hits Eddie’s raised knees so they trade strikes to the face for a double knockdown. Back from a break with the slugout on again until Trey hits a dropkick to the back into a springboard cutter for two more. Eddie’s tiger driver attempt is countered into a rollup for another two but the second attempt connects to give Eddie his own near fall. The Boston Knee Party is enough to retain the title at 10:54.
Rating: C+. They kept things short here but the two of them are more than athletic enough to make something like this work. There wasn’t exactly much drama with what they were doing though as Eddie isn’t going to lose his title in his first defense. Certainly not with the epic ERIC YOUNG showdown looming. Trey is probably done near the main event scene, but he got a rather nice rub out of the whole thing, which is impressive given that he has what is a glorified comedy gimmick.
Post match Eric Young comes out to tell Eddie to sleep well because he’s waiting. Good for him. Now go away.
Here’s what’s coming on the rest of the show.
And now, the debut of Wrestle House. A bunch of wrestlers are standing around and Taya Valkyrie isn’t happy with most of them being here. Rosemary taunts her over it, sending Taya storming out. Taya goes to leave but opens the door to see a ring of fire and Abyss holding a bag of thumbtacks. That sends her back to the main room, where Johnny Swinger says he knew this place was purgatory. Rosemary says it isn’t her house either, so Cody Deaner wants to know whose house it is.
That sends us into the opening sequence, which seems like a Real World knockoff. Back in the main room, the Deaners think this is Duck Dynasty with Larry D. having to correct him. With that out of the way, we meet our host and the house owner: Tommy freaking Dreamer. After making House of Hardcore jokes, the Deaners start an ECW chant. Taya wants to know how long she has to be here, with Rosemary saying as long as it takes. This has potential, though the Dreamer thing doesn’t have me thrilled.
We take a break and come back with the Deaners and XXXL ready to fight. Susie says that’s bad so they agree to bow like Mr. Fuji, much to Kylie Rae’s delight. Taya still wants to know why they’re here so Dreamer says it’s all for a chance to win $1 million. Rosemary: “IT’S NOT TRUE!”
Dreamer mentions that there are only six rooms so the race is on to get one. XXXL get stuck trying to go through the door at the same time so Acey lets Larry go….and gets a door slammed in his face. Kylie and Susie try to give each other a bed so Swinger dives between them (dropping an elbow onto a stuff tiger at the same time). And yes, he invites them to join him. The women leave so Crazzy Steve comes in, with Swinger offering him a job as a young boy. Steve is crazy, not desperate.
Rather than dealing with the Deaners, Alisha takes the couch. Rosemary and Taya take a room each and John E. Bravo can’t decide who to follow. Upstairs, the Deaners play Rock Paper Scissors for their own bed but it keeps going to a tie. Acey goes outside and finds a ring but Steve dives in ahead of him. Dreamer: “MATCH TIME!!!” Acey and Steve are suddenly in their ring gear and I guess this is for the right to use the ring as their bed.
Acey Romero vs. Crazzy Steve
Kylie Rae is referee. After putting his monkey in the corner, Steve offers to sleep on the top rope (Swinger: “That’s it kid!”) but has to dodge a charging Acey. A crisscross has Acey running the ropes alone until he gets tired (it doesn’t take long) so Steve offers him some help. That means a Bubba Bomb into a rear naked choke to knock Steve out at 1:34.
Back in the arena, TJP and Fallah Bahh make Rohit Raju wear a mask. He isn’t happy but says he wants to be serious. Raju brags about Chris Bey and TJP suggests an X-Division Title shot. Raju runs off to find Bey, who isn’t all that interested in whatever Raju is doing. He’ll deal with TJP.
Ace Austin and Madman Fulton don’t like these new Good Brothers getting involved in their business. They’ll be watching the Brothers’ debut tonight.
Video on the Motor City Machine Guns.
The North says they’re still the greatest tag team ever and they’ll get the belts back. Ethan Page is about to say something but walks off instead.
Flashback Moment of the Week: Motor City Machine Guns b. Beer Money at Victory Road 2010.
Katie Forbes is sitting on Rob Van Dam’s lap and previews her new photos, which are going to break the internet.
EC3 talks about his undefeated streak and everyone that he has beaten over the years. He has to go back down his road again though and rants about everything bad that happened to him in WWE. When he looks in the mirror, he sees a reflection of failure. What he did to become what he is today is what he has to destroy. He is here to destroy his past and control his narrative. We have been warned.
Moose isn’t worried about EC3 but here’s Heath to interrupt. He has been contracted by TNA and the championship committee has given him a title shot. Moose says there is no championship committee, which Heath says means there is no TNA Champion. Their match is set for next week so Moose leaves. Scott D’Amore comes in and says Heath’s TNA contract comes from Heyman and Heyman. If Heath wins next week though, he can have a contract.
Kimber Lee vs. Deonna Purrazzo
Non-title. Lee chops her down in the corner to start and a headscissors sends Purrazzo outside. Back in and an elbow gives Lee two, followed by a full nelson with the legs. Purrazzo slips out and stomps on the arm, sending Josh into an anatomy lesson. Back up and Lee grabs a choke in the ropes and it’s time to slug it out. Lee rolls out of a Fujiwara armbar and hammers away on the mat. Purrazzo pulls her off the ropes though and snaps the arm back. Now the armbar can finish Lee at 5:28.
Rating: C-. Lee gave her a bit more of a test here but there is something special about watching Purrazzo snap that hold on and rip it to pieces. The match was a fine way to get Purrazzo on the show though, as she probably has a rematch with Jordynne Grace planned, plus the showdown with Kylie Rae. Once she’s out of the house that is.
Post match here’s Grace with her arm in a sling. She pulls that off and sends Purrazzo running, but the arm is still banged up.
Katie Forbes runs into Sami Callihan and thinks he is a fan.
Brian Myers is still coming.
Back at the house, Steve runs into Swinger again and is told that he is sleeping on the bathroom floor tonight. Swinger mentions various bladder issues that he has, so a chuckling Steve agrees to be his young boy.
The Deaners are sharing a room with Jake sleeping on the floor. They get in an argument over who woke the other up snoring. Dreamer winds up in bed too and it’s MATCH TIME!
Cousin Jake vs. Cody Deaner
Loser leaves the room and Alisha is referee this time. Cody offers the Fuji bow and then small packages him for two. Jake gets beaten down in the corner but comes back with a jumping knee to the face to put Cody down for a change. A big right hand sets up the chinlock but Cody fights up again. The Deaner DDT is countered though and Jake hits a swinging Boss Man Slam for the pin at 2:57. Alisha: “I don’t know which Deaner you are. The winner is a Deaner!”
They hug post match.
Later, Cody finds a bus.
Sami Callihan asks Ken Shamrock for an explanation of Slammiversary but Van Dam and Forbes come up saying that Sami hit on her. Van Dam says stay away but Sami says he’ll never seen him coming.
Here are Van Dam and Forbes to unveil Katie’s pictures. Rob tells the fans to shut up and Katie is ready to show off for Free ninety nine. The launch is in five seconds….and the photos have Sami’s face imposed, sending Katie into a rant. She rants about how hard she worked on the site, which thankfully she never names.
The Rascalz debate if Suicide is a Power Ranger. Suicide, with smoke coming out of his mask, is here, and still has nothing to say. More smoke appears and Suicide starts dancing.
Here’s what’s coming next week.
Rich Swann joins us via satellite to talk about working so hard to come back but then get taken out again by Eric Young. He can’t talk about what the doctors have told him because it puts him in a dark place, but he’ll be in the Impact Zone next week.
Reno Scum vs. Good Brothers
Anderson and Thornstowe start things off with a shoulder putting Thornstowe down. Another shoulder does it again and it’s off to Gallows to unload in the corner. Cue Ace Austin to watch from the stage as Legend comes in and runs over Anderson to take over. The chinlock goes on but the impaler is countered with a spinebuster. That’s enough to get the tag off to Gallows so house can be cleaned. Boots to the face have Scum staggered and it’s the Magic Killer to finish Thornstowe at 6:31.
Rating: D+. This wasn’t supposed to be anything more than the Good Brothers’ introduction and it worked fine in that regard. It wasn’t much of a match, but that is to be expected from Scum, who aren’t exactly thrilling most of the time. The Brothers are a big deal around here though, and presenting them in the main event for their first match is a good idea.
Post match Austin hits the ring but the distraction lets Madman Fulton come in for the beatdown. All four brawl to the back and then outside, with Gallows kicking Fulton into the camera to end the show.
Overall Rating: C-. I can’t think of a better example of a show where your individual tastes may vary. The wrestling was barely a factor here, though they did set up some stuff for later. What mattered here was Wrestle House, and that is something that is going to work a lot better for some than others. It was funny at times and has a lot of potential for jokes in the future, but it isn’t going to be for everyone. I’ll certainly give them points for trying something different though, and if it works out then well done. Not the worst show, but there are going to be some people who aren’t thrilled.
Eddie Edwards b. Trey – Boston Knee Party
Acey Romero b. Crazzy Steve – Rear naked choke
Deonna Purrazzo b. Kimber Lee – Fujiwara armbar
Cousin Jake b. Cody Deaner – Swinging Boss Man Slam
Good Brothers b. Reno Scum – Magic Killer to Thornstowe
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Did they ever resolve who was attacking the Rascalz backstage for weeks on end?
Yeah it was Madman Fulton.