New Column: His Name Is…Not That Well Remembered
Stick with me on this one.
Stick with me on this one.
He was just boring for me, which I’m sure was a mix of his own personality and creative not being, well creative. I thought he was mildly entertaining in his feud with the Big Show, but that was his only hit for me. You can be boring and still get by in wrestling for years (Ziggler), but you can’t be boring and a jerk. That was Del Rio’s crime.
if nothing else Del Rio makes a heck of a case study for young up and coming wrestlers to learn from. Make full use of your talent’ Never stop working to Improve’ But don’t get too cocky or no mater how much you achieve You could be forgotten in the blank of an eye. That was a problem of his also He was boring but getting his resame blit up as quckly as it did (more then most wrestlers in thair eintire career) probably didn’t help his motivation.
It also didn’t help that his personal ring anouncer (Ricardo Rodigez) was more popular with fans then him.