205 Live – August 28, 2020: Another Kind Of Show

IMG Credit: WWE
205 Live
Date: August 28, 2020
Location: Amway Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Corey Graves, Vic Joseph
I’ve run out of ways to figure out what to expect from this show and in a way, that’s rather good around here. There is only so much you can expect with the rather limited roster around here and I’m not sure what to expect from that. We had a Cruiserweight Title match this week on NXT so it might be time for a new opponent. Or maybe a rematch since there was a loaded mask involved. Let’s get to it.
Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.
Opening sequence.
Tehuti comes to the ring for a match but during his entrance, Miles talks about how a rookie like him should be learning from the veterans. He might be rookie of the year though and this show exists because of him. Hopefully a veteran can bring the best out of him. At least he has an opponent.
Tehuti Miles vs. Brian Kendrick
Brian hasn’t been around for awhile. Miles has to spin out of an early armbar and Kendrick drop toeholds his way out of a hammerlock. Some armdrags into an armbar have Kendrick down in an armbar and there’s another into another. Back up and Kendrick kicks him in the face for two and it’s off to an armbar on Miles for a change. Miles fights up and slugs away, followed by a dropkick for two more. The trash talk is on but Kendrick small packages him for the pin at 4:57.
Rating: C-. Kendrick is an interesting case as he keeps coming back and keeps feeling like a star despite not being much of one in a good while. That’s a natural talent that you can showcase very well if given a change. Kendrick looked fine here and Miles is starting to move up a bit by losing to bigger names. That might not sound like much, but they could get somewhere with letting him get a win.
Post match they shake hands and Kendrick says Miles has potential.
Tony Nese vs. Liam Gray
Nese runs him over with an elbow to the face to start and gets annoyed when Gray hits him in the ribs. A German suplex sends Gray into the corner and the Running Nese finishes at 1:40. Just a squash.
Oney Lorcan/Danny Burch vs. Ever Rise
Lorcan armbars Martel to start but gets taken down into a headlock on the mat. It’s off to Burch to headlock Parker over as frustration sets in. Back up and Burch pulls a leapfrog out of the air (always cool to see) and a middle rope dropkick puts Parker down again. Martel trips Burch down though and drops a few elbows. The armbar goes on again but Burch throws him off and brings Lorcan back in, meaning it’s time for some loud house cleaning.
Everything breaks down and Parker breaks up a Doomsday Device. Lorcan is fine enough to hit a top rope flip dive to Martel, followed by a running Blockbuster for two more. Parker gets tossed outside so Lorcan tries to suplex him back in. Martel grabs the leg for the Warrior/Heenan/Rude finish but the referee catches him because Ever Rise can’t even cheat to beat someone. The referee yells at Martel and Burch Crossfaces Parker for the tap at 7:54.
Rating: C-. Ever Rise is a team who could do a few things around here and as long as they don’t go much further, they should be fine. Giving them the losing streak and having them complain about it is better than nothing, and since they seem like they’ll be sticking around, it’s better than nothing. Not the worst match either, but that might be due to Burch and Lorcan.
Overall Rating: C. The time makes a big difference here as the show is all of twenty six minutes long and it’s almost impossible to get annoyed at something so short. They didn’t really advance much but Kendrick vs. Miles could go somewhere for one of them. It’s not a good show or anything, but for twenty six minutes, I can think of a lot worse.
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